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July Cruise-In and Meeting

June 20, 2006

The next Scenic City Volks Folks cruise-in will be held on Friday evening, July 7th at the Sonic on East Brainard Road. Everyone is invited to bring a chair and come hang out with us all evening, or just drop by and say hello! Our cruise-ins are always informal, laid back, and most of all, FUN!

The July club meeting will be held at the China Moon Buffet at 7:00 PM, Monday, July 17th. China Moon is located in the Eastgate Town Center (the old Eastgate Mall) on Brainard Road between Holiday Bowl and Wal-Mart.

All members, former members, folks who think they might be interested in becoming members, VW owners, VW enthusiast, VW fanatics, and people who are just curious and want to try to figure out what we're all about . . . in other words EVERYONE is invited to come join us for an evening of good food, good folks and lots of fun in family environment.

Hope to see you at China Moon!

Club Meeting Tonight!

June 19, 2006

The June meeting of the Scenic City Volks Folks will be held at the China Moon Buffet at 7:00 PM tonight, Monday, June 19th. China Moon is located in the Eastgate Town Center (the old Eastgate Mall) on Brainard Road between Holiday Bowl and Wal-Mart.

Since we had a light turnout at our May meeting, we decided to move all "business" matters to the June meeting. At this meeting we will be wrapping up a few business items dealing with Bug-A-Paluza 8, nominating club officers for the upcoming year and then getting down to the business of HAVING FUN! The show season is shifting into high gear and there are tons of upcoming VW events that we can talk about attending!

All members, former members, folks who think they might be interested in becoming members, VW owners, VW enthusiast, VW fanatics, and people who are just curious and want to try to figure out what we're all about . . . in other words EVERYONE is invited to come join us for an evening of good food, good folks and lots of fun in family environment.

Hope to see you at China Moon!

Thanks To Everyone Who Attended Bug-A-Paluza 8

April 23, 2006

What was forecasted as a two quickly passing bands of thunderstorms late Friday evening and early Saturday morning stalled out directly over Camp Jordan for most of the night and turned a damp field into a mud hole. Without the understanding and help of everyone attending the show we could have never pulled the show out of the mud (literaly) and moved it to slightly higher and MUCH drier ground. We hope everyone had a great time despite wet ground and mud. Without all of you who come out and Show, Vend, Camp or just come to look around, Bug-A-Paluza wouldn't exist. Thanks Again!

Bug-a-Paluza 8 show results are posted in our Events Forum and we have a large collection of Bug-a-Paluza 8 photos posted in our gallery.

Bug-A-Paluza Time!

April 22, 2006

If you are not at Camp Jordan, you are missing Bug-A-Paluza! This is a RAIN OR SHINE event. The rain from the past few days has the field wet, but it will be drying out as the weekend moves along. When the sun went down Friday evening, the vendor area was almost full and a the turnout of campers was larger than expected considering the wet weather.

The gates open at 8:00 Saturday morning and the awards presentation is scheduled to begin at 3:30 Sunday afternoon.

If you need information that can't be found at, please call Zen or Kyle We hope to see you this weekend at Camp Jordan!

Bug-A-Paluza 8 @ Camp Jordan This Weekend!

April 19, 2006

The Scenic City Volks Folks are busy making final preparations for Bug-a-Paluza 8! Please note that many of us will be at the show grounds getting set up and will be away from our computers. At this point, if you try to contact us via email you may not get a response until after the show! If you have questions that need to be answered before you head out for Camp Jordan, please contact us by phone. You may contact Kyle or Zen.

Vendors - If you have not pre-registered, please contact us before coming to the show. Vending space is almost completely sold out!

Do you have a VW sitting in your back yard waiting on 'someday?' Someday is this weekend! The swap meet will be running over with new and used parts to put that old Volkswagen back in tip top shape! If you have questions about how to fix your VW, we will have a retired factory trained mechanic with over 40 years experience on Volkswagens kicked back under a shade tree to answer any technical questions you might have.

Are you looking for a VW? Come browse through our 'For Sale Corral.' Your new (to you) VW may be there waiting for you! Have you got too many projects? The For Sale Corral is a good place to thin your VW herd!

And don't forget that the Shrine Ladies will be cooking up some of the best burgers and hot dogs around! This is shaping up to be the biggest and best Bug-A-Paluza yet. So bring the whole family out to Camp Jordan this weekend and enjoy all the festivities!

Spectator entrance to the show is $2 and 2 cans of food (Children under 12 are free). Proceeds from the show support the Shrine Ladies Helping Hands and the Chattanooga Area Food Bank.

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Chattanooga's oldest and largest club for air-cooled and water-cooled Volkswagens, since 1998. Join Us

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