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Volks Folks February Meeting is Tonight! (Feb. 20th)

February 19, 2006

The February Club Meeting is Tonight, February 20, 2006 at 7:00 PM. The meeing will once again be held at China Moon Buffet in the Eastgate Town Center on Brainard Road. Eastgate Town Center is the old Eastgate Mall. It is located between Holiday Bowl and Wal-Mart.

Bug-A-Palzua is only 2 months away and we've got a lot of work and planning to do. All members, friends and visitors are encouraged to attend!

VW Connecting Rods Needed!

January 4, 2006

As you are probably aware, members of the Scenic City Volks Folks spend hundreds of man/woman-hours each year producing our hand-made trophies for Bug-A-Paluza. If we are going to continue topping the trophies with genuine Volkswagen connecting rods, we must continue to depend on your donations. If you have any old rods in any condition that you plan on tossing out, please consider tossing them our way! We'll have them blasted, primed, painted and clear-coated and bolt 'em down on top of one of the 150 or so trophies we make each year.

If you have any rods you would like to donate, please contact us.


December 31, 2005

The Scenic City Volks Folks wish all of our members, friends and VW enthusiast everywhere a happy and prosperous 2006!

Merry Christmas!

December 19, 2005

The Scenic City Volks Folks would like to wish all of our members, friends and VW enthusiast everywhere a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous 2006!

Volks Folks Christmas Party is Monday!

December 16, 2005

Don't forget that our annual Christmas Party will be held on Monday, December 19th, 7:00 PM at China Moon. China Moon is located in the Eastgate Town Center (the old Eastgate Mall) on Brainard Road. Everyone is invited! If you would like to take part in our gift exchange, bring a wrapped gift (limit $10 value). We will once again draw numbers and distribute the gifts via a "Chinese Auction." This is always a blast! We hope you can make it!

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Chattanooga's oldest and largest club for air-cooled and water-cooled Volkswagens, since 1998. Join Us

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