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Labor Day Car Show

September 4, 2006

We invite everyone to join the Volks Folks and help us support the Stocking Full of Love Labor Day Car Show! This is an open show with classes for all makes, models and years. Everything from antiques, to classics, to street rods and beyond, including 3 Air-cooled VW Classes. Proceeds go to the Walker County Stocking Full of Love fund. The show is held at the Walker County Civic Center, about 3 miles south of the Chickamauga Battlefield on US Hwy. 27.

September Cruise-In and Labor Day Show

August 29, 2006

Our September cruise-in will be held at the Sonic on East Brainard Road this Friday evening (Sept. 1st) starting about 7:00 PM. Bring a chair and come hang out with us all evening, or just drop by and say hello!

We are in need of volunteers to help us out with the Stocking Full of Love car show on Labor Day! Please let us know if you can attend! This is an open show with classes for all makes, models and years. Everything from antiques, to classics, to street rods and beyond. Proceeds go to the Walker County Stocking Full of Love fund. Come help us support this very worthy cause!


August 27, 2006

Monday, August 28th we will have a Volks Folks Members Pool Party at the Holly Hills Pool (6-9PM). Please contact Lamar or Cindy if you plan to attend so we can make sure we have enough food (Famous Dave's BBQ)!

We are also in need of volunteers to help us out with the Stocking Full of Love car show on Labor Day!

August Calendar

August 20, 2006

There are still a couple of VW events you may want to participate in before the end of August:

Saturday, August 26th - Birmingham Bug Blast

Monday, August 28th - The Volks Folks Members Pool Party at the Holly Hills Pool (6-9PM). Contact Lamar or Cindy by August 25th if you plan to attend!

We are also in need of volunteers to help us out with the Stocking Full of Love car show on Labor Day!

August Events and Gatherings

July 25, 2006

The next Volks Folks cruise-in will be held at the Sonic on Hwy. 58 on Friday evening, August 4th. Our monthly club meeting will be held at the China Moon Buffet on Monday evening, August 21st at 7:00 PM.

Other VW events you may want to participate in for August include:

Saturday, August 12th - The DAV car show in Cleveland, TN (6-9 PM)

Friday - Sunday, August 18-20 - Buses on the River Campout in Erwin, TN

Saturday, August 26th - Birmingham Bug Blast

Monday, August 28th - The Volks Folks Members Pool Party at the Holly Hills Pool (6-9PM). Contact Lamar or Cindy by August 25th if you plan to attend!

We are also in need of volunteers to help us out with the Stocking Full of Love car show on Labor Day!

Please visit our web forums or contact us for more information on any of these upcoming events!

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Chattanooga's oldest and largest club for air-cooled and water-cooled Volkswagens, since 1998. Join Us

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