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Christmas Parades!

November 26, 2006

The Volks Folks will be participating in the Rossville and Ringgold Christmas Parades this week.

The Rossville Parade is Thursday evening, November 30th. Line up will be at Rossville Middle School at 5:30 with the parade starting at 6:00. The only rule with them is don't bring any live Santa's, they have their own!

The Ringgold Parade is Friday evening, December 1st. Line up will be at Ringgold High School. This parade also starts at 6:00, but it is a big one! Try to be there by 5:00 if you want to participate. We will drive over to Portifinos for our monthly cruise-in after the Parade.

Looking forward to next week, on Wednesday, December 6th, we will once again be participating in the News Channel 9 Share Your Christmas Food Drive. We need as many VWs as possible for this one! The food drive drop off point will once again be at the First Tennessee Pavilion on Carter Street. We will gather at the Coker Tire Company parking lot and pull out at about 5 minutes till 6:00. Pick up a sack or two of non-perishable food items and join us for this very worthwhile event!

Happy Holidays from the Volks Folks!

November 22, 2006

The Scenic City Volks Folks wish you a Happy Holiday Season!

Second Annual Volks Folks Camp Out and Picnic

October 17, 2006

The second annual Volks Folks Campout will be held October 20, 21, & 22. This year we will be camping at Harrison Bay State Park. Even if you can't camp, come up and visit with us. We will be holding a Bug-A-Paluza planning session on Saturday afternoon. Sunday afternoon we will have a club picnic. All we ask you to bring is a big appetite . . . the club will furnish the rest! We will fire up the grill about 1:00 PM!

Okotberfest and Beyond . . .

October 11, 2006

The Scenic City Volks Folks will once again be participating in Okotoberfest at the Chattanooga Market on Sunday, Oct 15th. Please feel free to bring your VW to the First Tennessee Pavilion in downtown Chattanooga and show it off! This year there will be NO ENTRY FEE for the show! If you want to participate, please try to be there by 12:30. Awards will be about 4:00 PM. In addition to a display of fine German automobiles, there will be music, food, and fun activities for the whole family. And if you've never seen a Weiner Dog race, this is your chance! (For more information on the Chattanooga Market and the First Tennessee Pavilion, visit

Our next monthly club meeting will be held on Monday, October 16th at the China Moon Buffet in the Eastgate Town Center (Brainard Road between Holiday Bowl and Wal-Mart). The meeting starts about 7:00 PM. Come prepared to tell your favorite VW story and win the story of the month trophy!

The second annual Volks Folks Campout will be held October 20, 21, & 22. This year we will be camping at Harrison Bay State Park. Even if you can't camp, come up and visit with us. We will be holding a Bug-A-Paluza planning session on Saturday afternoon. Sunday afternoon we will have a club picnic. All we ask you to bring is a big appetite . . . the club will furnish the rest! We will fire up the grill about 1:00 PM!

Stocking Full of Love Car Show

September 5, 2006

For the past three years the Scenic City Volks Folks have ran the Walker County Stocking Full of Love's Labor Day Car Show in Rock Spring, GA. The first year we took on this cause, they were on verge of dropping the car show altogether. The show had been a huge success for several years, but a couple of years of association with what turned out to be a less than honorable car club and a couple of years of bad weather and the show had dropped off from its largest showing of nearly 300 cars down to only a handful. We are proud to say that the show is on its way back up. The 2006 show attracted approximately 165 show cars and lots of vendors. For the first time in several years the spectator parking lot filled to overflowing and people took to parking alongside Hwy. 27. We haven't heard any dollar figures yet, but this is undoubtedly one of the biggest weekends the Stocking Full of Love has had. In addition to the car show on Labor Day, there is a Sock Hop on Saturday night and a motorcycle poker run on Sunday. Stocking Full of Love Volunteers told us that all three of these events had a higher than expect turnout this year.

Funds raised through these efforts are used to buy food and gifts for underprivileged kids in the area. On their behalf, we would like to thank everyone who attended, and a very special thanks to those who volunteered!

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Chattanooga's oldest and largest club for air-cooled and water-cooled Volkswagens, since 1998. Join Us

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