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Thanks To Everyone Who Attended Bug-A-Paluza 8

April 23, 2006

What was forecasted as a two quickly passing bands of thunderstorms late Friday evening and early Saturday morning stalled out directly over Camp Jordan for most of the night and turned a damp field into a mud hole. Without the understanding and help of everyone attending the show we could have never pulled the show out of the mud (literaly) and moved it to slightly higher and MUCH drier ground. We hope everyone had a great time despite wet ground and mud. Without all of you who come out and Show, Vend, Camp or just come to look around, Bug-A-Paluza wouldn't exist. Thanks Again!

Bug-a-Paluza 8 show results are posted in our Events Forum and we have a large collection of Bug-a-Paluza 8 photos posted in our gallery.

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