Latest News

Pre-Registration Is Closed

April 16, 2006

Pre-Registration has officially closed. You may still register at the show as long as space is available. We have plenty of show car spaces left, but please note that vending space is almost completely sold out! The few remaining spaces will be on a first come, first served basis. We'll see you at Camp Jordan next weekend! ;-)

Bug-A-Paluza Pre-Registration Deadlines

April 1, 2006

The deadline to mail in a Bug-A-Paluza registration form has passed, but you can still pre-register online! Online registration will close at midnight on April 15th. If you miss pre-registration, you can register at the show, AS LONG AS WE HAVE SPACE AVAILABLE! Vendor space is going fast...if you plan on vending, pre-registration is strongly recommended!

You can pre-register on-line at

April Club Activities

March 23, 2006

Spring is officially here and the VW scene is shifting into high gear! April will be a very busy month for the Volks Folks.

We kicked off the month with our first outdoor Cruise-in of the year on Friday evening, April 7, 2006 at the Sonic in Ooltewah, TN. Despite the looming sevier weather, we had a pretty good turn out! Remember that our cruise-ins are held on the first Friday evening of each month at an area Sonic. Visit our events page to find out more!

Our final club meeting before Bug-A-Paluza 8 will be on Monday, April 17th, 7:00 PM at the China Moon Buffet. China Moon is located on Brainerd Road in the Eastgate Town Center (old Eastgate Mall) Between Holiday Bowl and Wal-Mart. All club members are encouraged to attend as we will be making final plans for Bug-A-Paluza! We also welcome non-club members to stop by and visit us! We are a family oreinted organization, kids are welcome too! We are a very diverse group of individuals with one thing in common, we are all Volkswagen enthusiast. In the words of Jerry Clower "We got so many ways, y'all are bound to like some of 'em!"

If you can't club meeting, we still have plenty of work to do to get ready for the show. Contact us or visit our club members section of the Volks Folks Forums if you want to help out! And don't forget that we can still use any door prizes or goodie bag items that you can gather up!

Bug-A-Paluza Flyer Typo!!!

March 4, 2006

If you received or downloaded a flyer, please be aware that we goofed...there are a couple of typos that you should be aware of. On the directions to the show, any reference to Interstate 65 should be Interstate 75. Also, the show dates are April 22nd and 23rd as stated on the front of the flyer...NOT April 16th and 17th as stated in the registration portion! These mistakes have been corrected and any flyers that we mail out or you download from this point on will be correct.

March Club Meeting

February 20, 2006

Our next club meeting will be March 20th, 7:00 PM at the China Moon Buffet. China Moon is located on Brainard Road in the Eastgate Town Center (old Eastgate Mall) Between Holiday Bowl and Wal-Mart. All club members are encouraged to attend as we still have a lot of planning to do before Bug-A-Paluza.

We also welcome non-club members to stop by and visit us! We are a family oreinted organization, kids are welcome too! We are a very diverse group of individuals with one thing in common, we are all Volkswagen enthusiast. In the words of Jerry Clower "We got so many ways, y'all are bound to like some of 'em!"

If you can't make the club meeting, don't forget that we have an informal cruise-in on the first Friday night of each month. This year we are going to try a rotating the cruise-ins at various outdoor locations around the area. Keep an eye on our events forum for location details!

Attention all club members: We still need door prizes and goodie bag items!

Also, if you get bored anytime soon, we still have plenty of work to do to get ready for the show. Contact Herb, Lamar or Zen if you want to set up some time to work off that nervous energy sanding, routing, staining, painting, drilling and all that fun stuff that goes into our Bug-A-Paluza trophies!

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Chattanooga's oldest and largest club for air-cooled and water-cooled Volkswagens, since 1998. Join Us

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