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July Cruise-In and Meeting

June 20, 2006

The next Scenic City Volks Folks cruise-in will be held on Friday evening, July 7th at the Sonic on East Brainard Road. Everyone is invited to bring a chair and come hang out with us all evening, or just drop by and say hello! Our cruise-ins are always informal, laid back, and most of all, FUN!

The July club meeting will be held at the China Moon Buffet at 7:00 PM, Monday, July 17th. China Moon is located in the Eastgate Town Center (the old Eastgate Mall) on Brainard Road between Holiday Bowl and Wal-Mart.

All members, former members, folks who think they might be interested in becoming members, VW owners, VW enthusiast, VW fanatics, and people who are just curious and want to try to figure out what we're all about . . . in other words EVERYONE is invited to come join us for an evening of good food, good folks and lots of fun in family environment.

Hope to see you at China Moon!

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