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Stocking Full of Love Car Show

September 5, 2006

For the past three years the Scenic City Volks Folks have ran the Walker County Stocking Full of Love's Labor Day Car Show in Rock Spring, GA. The first year we took on this cause, they were on verge of dropping the car show altogether. The show had been a huge success for several years, but a couple of years of association with what turned out to be a less than honorable car club and a couple of years of bad weather and the show had dropped off from its largest showing of nearly 300 cars down to only a handful. We are proud to say that the show is on its way back up. The 2006 show attracted approximately 165 show cars and lots of vendors. For the first time in several years the spectator parking lot filled to overflowing and people took to parking alongside Hwy. 27. We haven't heard any dollar figures yet, but this is undoubtedly one of the biggest weekends the Stocking Full of Love has had. In addition to the car show on Labor Day, there is a Sock Hop on Saturday night and a motorcycle poker run on Sunday. Stocking Full of Love Volunteers told us that all three of these events had a higher than expect turnout this year.

Funds raised through these efforts are used to buy food and gifts for underprivileged kids in the area. On their behalf, we would like to thank everyone who attended, and a very special thanks to those who volunteered!

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