Latest News

June Happenings

May 20, 2008

We will be having our June Cruise-In in conjuntion with our Club Cook Out on June 1st at Booker T Washington State Park at Shelter 1A. We have the Shelter reserved all day. The food will begin to be prepared about 4pm. Stevenson Bug Blast will be June 6-8. Our next Club meeting will be June 16th at China Moon at East Gate Town Center on Brainerd Rd from 7pm-?. See Ya Soon!

Hey Folks!

May 7, 2008

We will be cruising to the Wilderness Theater on May 10th from the Tiftonia Walmart at 6:30pm to see Speed Racer. Then our May Meeting will be the 19th at the China Moon at Eastgate Town Center Mall on Brainerd Rd from 7pm-? Then most of us will be headed to Stevenson for the Stevenson Bug Blast June 6-8. Watch the forums for a possible caravan.;-)

Bug-a-Paluza X is over!

April 20, 2008

The Scenic City Volks Folks would like to thank our show sponsors, participants, vendors, spectators, and volunteers for making Bug-a-Palüza X the biggest and best show ever! Also thanks to Ronald McDonald House of Chattanooga for their help and support. Over 250 cars were registered. Please check out our BPX Gallery for photos from the weekend, and we now have complete show results if you are interested.

If you have any questions about the show, please use our contact form, and if you'd like to be notified about next year's event, please join our mailing list and as always plase visit our forums.


April 16, 2008

It's almost here!! Less than 2 days away! Setup will be underway in less than 24 hours while the show will start hopping Friday evening with a performance by Essential Mama from 8-10pm!! This will be a free show (camping fees do apply if you plan to stay), so bring out your lawn chairs and get ready for a good time! Registration will be available friday evening for the early birds and will start Saturday morning around 8am and again Sunday 8am. On Sunday registration will end at 11am. **That is one hour earlier than previous years.** Hope to see you there and can't wait to make BAP X the best yet!! :-P

Its April and BAP X is less than a week away!

April 4, 2008

Bug-a-Paluza is less than 2 weeks away and everything is coming together nicely.

The April club meeting will be held on the second monday in April (April 14th) instead of the usual 3rd Monday due to BAP X. This will be held at China Moon on Brainerd road at 7pm as usual. We will be going over our last minute check list and signing up members for work duties.

We hope to see everybody at BAP X.

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Chattanooga's oldest and largest club for air-cooled and water-cooled Volkswagens, since 1998. Join Us

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