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Bug-A-Paluza X

March 20, 2008

The April club meeting will be held on the second monday in April (April 14th) instead of the usual 3rd Monday due to BAP X. This will be held at China Moon on Brainerd road at 7pm as usual. April's cruise-in will be a trophy assembly party held at Brian and Crystal's house on April 4th at 7pm. Pizza will be ordered to feed the hungry workers! :-P Check the forum's for directions.

Final preparations for BAP X area underway! Keep pre-registering and hoping for good weather again this year! Hope to see everyone at BAP X! 29 days away and counting!!!

The countdown continues

February 22, 2008

Less than 60 days now. We are in full force planning mode for the upcoming event and expecting once again to have the best BAP ever! The March criuse-in will again be held at Backyard Burgers located on Hwy 58 on Friday March 7th from 7pm-?. This should be our last indoor cruise-in. The next meeting will be held on March 17th at the China Moon at Eastgate Mall on Brainerd Rd. Don't forget to wear green! Hope to see everyone there!

Just around the corner!

January 23, 2008

It's now 2008 and BAP 10 is less than 90 days away! We have jump started our planning and are well on our way to another exciting show. The show website will be up and running the first of February at We will also start mailing flyers in mid February.

Our next Cruise-in will be held at Backyard Burgers on Hwy. 58 at 7:00PM-? on Feb. 8th. We have moved it from the usual 1st Friday due to interference with the Dead of Winter Campout.

Our next meeting will be held Feb 18th at China Moon at Eastgate Mall located on Brainerd Rd from 7:00pm til ?.

Happy New Year!

December 23, 2007

The Scenic City Volks Folks wish everyone a Happy New Year!

January Cruise-In and Meeting Dates:

Our first cruise-in of 2008 will be held on Friday, January 4th at Ci-Ci's Pizza on Battlefield Parkway (Hwy. 2) in Fort Oglethorpe, GA -- 7:00 PM until ???

Our January meeting will be held on Monday, January 21st at 7:00 PM at the China Moon Buffet. China Moon is located in the Eastgate Town Center on Brainard Road between Holiday Bowl and Wal-Mart.

Happy Holidays from The Scenic City Volks Folks!

November 22, 2007

It's that time of year again! There are several holiday related activities that the Volks Folks will be participating in.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007 - Channel 3's Share Your Christmas Food Drive

For the 10th year, the Scenic City Volks Folks will caravan together to the Channel 3 Share Your Christmas Food Drive.
UPDATE!!! UPDATE!!! Channel 3 called and wants us there at "5pm" To join us for this event, meet on the street by the First Tennessee pavilion. We will drive in together just before 5:00. If you can't get there before 5, just pull on into the pavilion as soon as you arrive. We will probably be inside for about 15 minuets. They are cutting to the pavillion live at 5:00 and 5:10, so even if you are a little late, you might still end up on TV! Regardless if you can make it there to go through with the group, we encourage everyone to gather up some non-perishable food items to donate and help support this very worthy cause!

Friday, December 7, 2007 - Ringgold Christmas Parade Scenic City Volks Folks December Cruise-in

Bring your family and your VW, some Christmas decorations, a few bags of candy and ride with the Scenic City Volks Folks in the Ringgold Christmas Parade! We've had a large group in this parade for several years . . . help us make this year the biggest and best decorated group yet! We start lining up in the Ringgold High School parking lot about 5:00. The parade doesn't start until 6:00, but the parking lot fills up fast. If you get there too late, you might not be able to get over to where our group is parked.

This is the first Friday of the month, so it's also Cruise-In night! After the parade, we are going over to Portofino's. Even if you can't make it for the parade, come hang out with us afterwards!

Directions: Ringgold High School to line up for the parade. As above take exit 348 then turn left onto Hwy 151. At the end of 151(or the 4th red light) take a right onto Hwy 41(Nashville St). At the next red light take a left onto Sparks St. The High school will be on the right. Look for detour signs pointing you in the direction of the lineup.
Portofino's is in the Remco Business Center, near Cracker Barrel. Heading south on I-75 take exit 348, Turn left onto Hwy 151 (aka Alabama hwy). Turn left at the second light onto Reeds Bridge Rd (at Walter Jackson Chevrolet). Then turn left onto Remco Lane (behind Taco Bell). You will pass the Cracker Barrel and Portofino will be in the shopping strip to the left.

Monday, December 17th - December Club Meeting & Christmas Party

Our next meeting at China Moon in Eastgate Town Center will be our 10th Annual Christmas Party! We will once again exchange gifts in a 'Chinese Auction.' For those of you who have never participated in one of these, you're in for a treat! Here's how it works. Everyone brings a wrapped gift (limit it to about $10 max. value). All the gifts are placed on a table and everyone draws a number. #1 goes up, picks out a gift, unwraps it and shows it to everyone. Then #2 can either take the gift from #1 OR an unwrapped gift from the table. This continues until everyone has gone. If someone takes your gift, you can take someone else's gift or get another one from the table. A gift can only change hands 3 times and then it's considered 'dead.' The trick to getting the gift you REALLY want is to be the third person to get it. Then no one can take it from you . . . except the person who drew #1. When the last person has their gift, the person who went first has the option of keeping the gift they ended up with OR trading gifts with anyone in the room, even if their gift is 'dead.' Needless to say, we've never had a dull Christmas party! We hope you will join us!

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Chattanooga's oldest and largest club for air-cooled and water-cooled Volkswagens, since 1998. Join Us

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