Latest News

Are You Ready for Bug-a-Paluza 11?

February 17, 2009

In less than two months, hundreds of Volkswagens and thousands of enthusiasts will be descending on Camp Jordan in East Ridge, TN for Bug-a-Paluza 11. Will you be there?

Pre-register today at to claim your spot! Space fills up quickly, so sign up early. Pre-registration is available until April 1.

Have questions about the show? Feel free to contact us, and we'll be glad to help you out. See you there!

February Happenings

February 6, 2009

Please join us on Friday the 6th for our February Cruise-In! It will be held at CiCi's Pizza on Brainerd Road, next to FedEx Kinko's near Eastgate. We will be hanging out from 7 PM onward, so please drop by and join us.

The Dead Of Winter Campout is February 6th, 7th and 8th at Cloudland Canyon State (GA) Park.

Our February club meeting will be on Monday, February 16th begining at 7:00 PM. Don't forget that we have a new location for our meetings. We've moved to Ryan's Steak House, located at 6734 Lee Highway.

As always, please contact us with any questions about upcoming events, and stay up to date by browsing our forums.

Happy New Year

December 29, 2008

Happy New Year from the Scenic City Volks Folks! We're announcing a couple of changes for our January events.

First, please join us on Friday the 2nd for our January Cruise-In. It will be held at CiCi's Pizza on Brainerd Road, next to FedEx Kinko's near Eastgate. We will be hanging out from 7 PM onward, so please drop by and join us.

Next, we have a new location for our January club meeting. By popular vote, we've decided to have it at Ryan's Steak House, located at 6734 Lee Highway. It will be held on Monday, January 19th at 7:00 PM.

As always, please contact us with any questions about upcoming events, and stay up to date by browsing our forums.

Volks Folks Events for December

November 23, 2008

The holiday season is here, and we have lots of events coming up to help get you in the seasonal spirit.

On Monday, December 1st, Blood Assurance will be kicking off their December blood drive at Village VW of Chattanooga from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Register to win a 1969 yellow VW bug!

The Rossville Christmas Parade will be held on December 4th and the Ringgold Christmas Parade will be December 5th. Please plan to join us for the Ringgold parade, and afterwards for our December cruise-in at Portofino's in Ringgold.

Next on Wednesday, December 10th, Channel 3 will be having their annual Share Your Christmas Food Drive. We always try to make a good showing to this event, so please come out and join us. Look for more announcements coming soon.

On Saturday, December 13th, the Cool Breeze VW Club of Cleveland will be having a toy run to help benefit Toys for Tots.

Finally on Monday, December 15th we will have our monthly club meeting. For the month of December we always have our Christmas party for this meeting, and we do a Chinese auction. Please bring a wrapped gift ($10 limit) and join us for this fun party.

We look forward to seeing you in December as well as year round! Contact us with any questions or to inform us of upcoming events.

VW Parade in Chattanooga a Huge Success!

October 27, 2008

On Saturday, October 25th 191 Volkswagens of all types converged on downtown Chattanooga for a VW parade. Thanks to everyone who participated! For photos of the event, check them out in our photo gallery. More photos will be added soon.

After the parade, the festivities began at Oktoberfest at the Chattanooga Market. Several of our VWs were on display and we enjoyed a weekend of good food and music. Please join our mailing list if you'd like to stay up to date with upcoming club events.

If you participated and did not receive your certificate, please contact us and we'll get it mailed to you.

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Chattanooga's oldest and largest club for air-cooled and water-cooled Volkswagens, since 1998. Join Us

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