Latest News

July Cruise-In This Friday!

June 29, 2009

Sonic Drive-InDon't forget about our July Cruise-In this Friday night at the Sonic Drive-In on East Brainerd Road, starting at about 7:00 PM. Kick off the holiday weekend with us!

Volks Folks June Events

June 1, 2009

Looking for something to do this weekend? Our June Cruise-In will be on Friday, June 5th at 7pm at the Sonic Drive-In on East Brainerd Road at the Gunbarrel intersection. Also this weekend, several of us will be going to the Stevenson Bug Blast at Stevenson City Park in Stevenson, AL. Also this weekend is the Mid America Motorworks Beetle Funfest in Effingham, IL and there's an Advance Auto Parts Cruise-In on Highway 58 on Saturday.

Also, our June Club Meeting will be on Monday, June 15th at the Hamilton YMCA on Shallowford Road. Please take note of this new meeting location. No food will be served, so if you want to eat please do so before or stop somewhere and bring your own food in.

May Happenings

April 27, 2009

Sonic Drive-InPlease join us on Friday, May 1st at 7:00 PM for our May Cruise-In, at the Sonic Drive-In on East Brainerd Road at the Gunbarrel intersection.

Additionally you might want to check out Circle Yer Wagens, a VW car show in Sevierville, TN this weekend. And don't forget Southern Worthersee May 15-17 in Helen, GA.

We will keep you posted on more VW events during the month of May, and don't forget about our May Club Meeting on Monday, May 18th at 7:00 PM, held at Ryan's Steak House on Lee Highway.

Thanks for Attending Bug-a-Paluza 11!

April 22, 2009

We'd like to thank everyone who came out to Camp Jordan and made Bug-a-Paluza 11 a huge success! Check out for a complete list of show winners. We had a record number of 303 show cars and 75 vendors attend, plus around 200 campers and thousands of spectators.

And a big thanks goes to The Ronald McDonald House of Chattanooga and Village VW of Chattanooga!

Join our mailing list if you'd like to be informed of future events from the Scenic City Volks Folks.

Bug-a-Paluza 11 is Here!

April 3, 2009

We hope you're ready for Bug-a-Paluza 11, because we are! This show promises to be the biggest and best Bug-a-Paluza ever. Please be aware that vendor spaces are completely sold out and show car spaces are still available, but they will fill up fast.

Have questions about the show? Feel free to contact us, and we'll be glad to help you out. See you there!

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Chattanooga's oldest and largest club for air-cooled and water-cooled Volkswagens, since 1998. Join Us

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