Latest News

July Club Meeting

July 15, 2005

Don't forget our July Volks Folks meeting is coming up on Monday, July 18th! We will meet at the Country Place restaurant on Shallowford Road (between I-75 and Gunbarrel). We start gathering there at 7:00 PM. If you want to eat dinner there, the Country Place sets up a buffet in the meeting room. Last month the buffet was $10 a person (includes drink, dessert and tip). The "formal" meeting starts about 7:30.

All members, their family and friends, as well as anyone who is interested in Volkswagens of any kind are welcome to come join us for an evening of fun. If you have a VW, want a VW, want to get rid of a VW, or want to figure out how to get your VW on the road, come on down! We might be able to help you out.

Some of the topics on our agenda this month will be an upcoming club campout as well as discussion of VW events members have attended over the last month and events we plan to attend in the coming month.

Volks Folks Sweep VW Class at DAV

July 10, 2005

It was a clean sweep for the Scenic City Volks Folks at the July Disabled American Vetrans' car show in Cleveland, TN! Every trophy winner in the VW class was Volks Folks member. In fact, every VW entered in the class was a club member's car. Both of them. There was one that showed up and didn't was also a Volks Folks member's ride.

Cindy and Lamar's orange Super Beetle took home a "Top VW" trophy. The other "Top VW" trophy they handed out went to Homer the Superbus! Kyle showed up in the stretch and it got a good bit of attention, but he didn't enter it in the show. This is a fun show...lot's of nice cars and trucks of all kinds, from antiques, to street rods, to classics, to ricers. Let's try to get enough VWs there next month so that Homer can't win a trophy by default.

New Club Officers Elected

June 20, 2005

A new lineup has been voted in to run our club this year. Please welcome:
Zen Hendricks, Club President; Susan Bailey, Vice President; Amanda Dempsey, Secretary; Cindy and Lamar Lewis, Treasurers; and Herb Keedy, Bug-a-Paluza Show Chairman.

June Club Meeting

June 8, 2005

The Scenic City Volks Folks June meeting will be Monday evening, June 20th at 7:00 PM at the Country Place Resturant on Shallowford Road (between I-75 and Gunbarrel Road). Hope to see you there!

Club Meetings

March 18, 2005

We have two very important club meetings coming up.

Our March meeting will be held on Monday, March 21st at Country Place Restaurant (between I-75 and Gunbarrel Rd). The meeting starts at 7:00PM.

April's meeting has been bumped up to the 2nd Monday night instead of the third. Our April meeting will be held Monday, April 11th also at Country Place Restaurant at 7:00PM.

Please join us for both of these meetings if you are interested in getting involved in the show.

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Chattanooga's oldest and largest club for air-cooled and water-cooled Volkswagens, since 1998. Join Us

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