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Volks Folks Sweep VW Class at DAV

July 10, 2005

It was a clean sweep for the Scenic City Volks Folks at the July Disabled American Vetrans' car show in Cleveland, TN! Every trophy winner in the VW class was Volks Folks member. In fact, every VW entered in the class was a club member's car. Both of them. There was one that showed up and didn't was also a Volks Folks member's ride.

Cindy and Lamar's orange Super Beetle took home a "Top VW" trophy. The other "Top VW" trophy they handed out went to Homer the Superbus! Kyle showed up in the stretch and it got a good bit of attention, but he didn't enter it in the show. This is a fun show...lot's of nice cars and trucks of all kinds, from antiques, to street rods, to classics, to ricers. Let's try to get enough VWs there next month so that Homer can't win a trophy by default.

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