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Bug-a-Paluza 13 - April 15-17, 2011

January 18, 2011

We would like to officially announce Bug-a-Paluza 13, held on April 15-17, 2011. Previously our dates had conflicted with another show. In this video, Mike explains the reason behind the date change and announces some exciting news for Bug-a-Paluza 13.

January Volks Folks Club Meeting

January 3, 2011

Wally'sJoin us on Monday, January 17th for our Monthly Club Meeting. The meeting begins promptly at 7:00 PM, so show a little early if you'd like to eat first. We meet at Wally's Restaurant in East Ridge.

Planning and discussion for Bug-a-Paluza 13 is well underway, so please attend if you're interested in learning more and helping out.

2nd Annual Polar Bear Run

December 15, 2010

Our 2nd annual Polar Bear Run is coming up on New Year's Day, 2011. Join us as we take a cruise around town and then wind up at Champy's Chicken for lunch.

We will meet in the parking lot of Sportsman's Warehouse on Lee Highway at the 153 exit. Please arrive by 9:45 AM, we will depart at 10:00.

WRCB Share Your Christmas Food Drive

December 6, 2010

Share Your ChristmasFor 12 years, the Scenic City Volks Folks have participated in the WRCB Share Your Christmas Food Drive, benefitting the Chattanooga Area Food Bank.

Join us for a cruise to the First Tennessee Pavilion on Friday, December 10th. We will meet up in the parking lot at Coker Tire downtown at 5:30 PM and depart from there.

Bring a donation of non-perishable food with you. We will drive through the Pavilion around 6 PM and drop off our donations. Afterwards, we will cruise to T-Bones on Chestnut St for dinner.

Parade Season

November 16, 2010

It's almost Christmas season, and that means Christmas parades! Here is a list of the upcoming events, we hope you can join us.

First the East Ridge Christmas Parade will be held on Saturday, November 20th at 6:30 PM.

Next on Friday, December 3rd we have the Ringgold and Red Bank Parades. Both start at 6:00 PM. Regardless of which parade you are in, we will meet at the Dairy Queen on Highway 153 for our December cruise-in.

Finally on Saturday, December 4th, we will participate in the Southside Parade on Main Street in Chattanooga, which is part of the MAINx24 Festival. Staging begins at 10:00 AM at 1800 Rossville Avenue and will begin at 11:00 and travel down Main Street.

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Chattanooga's oldest and largest club for air-cooled and water-cooled Volkswagens, since 1998. Join Us

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