Latest News

July Club Meeting

July 12, 2010

Join us for our July club meeting, held Monday, July 19th at 7:00 PM. We meet at Wally's Restaurant in East Ridge, get there a little early for dinner and stay for the meeting.

Visitors are always welcome!

July Cruise-In

June 24, 2010

SonicJoin us on Friday, July 2nd at the Sonic Drive-In on East Brainerd Road for our July Cruise In. Bring a chair or two and hang out with us, we will meet at 7:00 PM.

June Club Meeting

June 19, 2010

Join us for our June club meeting, held Monday, June 21st at 7:00 PM. We meet at Wally's Restaurant in East Ridge, get there a little early for dinner and stay for the meeting.

We've got lots to discuss, there are upcoming activities and events as well as recap Bug-a-Paluza 12. Visitors are always welcome, please join us!

June Cruise In Friday Night

June 3, 2010

SonicJoin us on Friday, June 4th at the Sonic Drive-In on East Brainerd Road for our June Cruise In. Bring a chair or two and hang out with us, we will meet at 7:00 PM.

Memorial Day Car Show

May 24, 2010

Join the Scenic City Volks Folks this Sunday, May 30th for an afternoon at the River Park on Amnicola Highway for the Johnny Wolfe Memorial Open Car Show. This event is sponsored by the Harrison Ruritan Club.

Registration is from 8-12 and judging begins at noon. It's an open car show but if we have enough VWs attend they will add a VW class.

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Chattanooga's oldest and largest club for air-cooled and water-cooled Volkswagens, since 1998. Join Us

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