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Thanks for Making Bug-a-Paluza 13 a Success!

April 22, 2011

Bug-a-Paluza 13 is over, but the show season is just getting started. Visit our Events Page for a listing of upcoming VW shows to attend!

Bug-a-Paluza 13 results are posted at Thanks to everyone who attended and helped us raise money for the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Chattanooga!

Bug-a-Paluza 13 is This Weekend

April 12, 2011

You've waited all year long, and it's finally here. Bug-a-Paluza 13 is this weekend, April 15-17. In addition to a sold out show, we've got a lot of events and activities planned. See Von Hot Rod, master pinstriper, enter for a chance to win a 1600 DP VW engine, see the Chattanooga Passat, and enjoy a weekend of VW fun. Visit for all the show details. We hope to see you this weekend!

April Club Meeting (New Date)

April 6, 2011

Wally's The next monthy meeting of the Scenic City Volks Folks will be held on Monday, April 11th at 7:00 PM. We meet at Wally's Restaurant on Ringgold Road in East Ridge. Visitors are always welcome!

Please note we've moved this meeting up one week to the 2nd Monday in order to have one more meeting before Bug-a-Paluza 13.

The room opens at 6PM for dinner and the meeting will start promptly at 7:00. We still have a lot to go over for the show, so please join us.

April Cruise-In

March 30, 2011

SonicJoin us on Friday, April 1st at the Sonic Drive-In on East Brainerd Road for our April Cruise In. Bring a chair or two and hang out with us, we will meet at 7:00 PM.

If the weather is too cold and rainy (and it looks like it might be), we will meet inside at the KFC next door. Hope to see you there!

March Club Meeting

March 20, 2011

Wally'sJoin us on Monday, March 21st for our Monthly Club Meeting. The meeting begins promptly at 7:00 PM, so show a little early if you'd like to eat first. We meet at Wally's Restaurant in East Ridge.

Planning and discussion for Bug-a-Paluza 13 is well underway, so please attend if you're interested in learning more and helping out.

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Chattanooga's oldest and largest club for air-cooled and water-cooled Volkswagens, since 1998. Join Us

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