Latest News

March Cruise-In

February 22, 2012

Dairy Queen Our March Cruise-In will be held on Friday, March 2nd at 7:00 PM. We will meet at the Dairy Queen in Hixson. Everyone is welcome, see you there!

February Club Meeting

February 8, 2012

Wally's The next monthly meeting of the Scenic City Volks Folks will be held on Monday, February 20th. Doors open at 6:00 PM and the meeting will start at 7PM sharp. We meet at Wally's Restaurant on Ringgold Road in East Ridge. Visitors are always welcome!

February Cruise-In

January 30, 2012

Our February Cruise-In will be held on Friday, February 3rd at CiCi's Pizza in Ft. Oglethorpe. We will meet at 7PM. Everyone is welcome.

Polar Bear Run Rescheduled

January 25, 2012

Our Polar Bear Run has been rescheduled for this Saturday, January 28th. This is a fun, informal cruise that will last about an hour and a half to two hours. Instructions will be given out at the starting point. We will end up at Champy's Chicken for lunch around 11:30.

We will meet at 9:30 AM at Sportsmans Warehouse on Lee Highway at the 153 exit and roll out at 10:00 AM sharp. This weekend's weather promises to be much better, so please come out and join us! You don't have to drive a VW to participate. Everyone is welcome.

Polar Bear Run

January 18, 2012

UPDATE: The 2nd annual Polar Bear Run for tomorrow has been postponed, due to a bad weather forecast. We plan to do it next week, so stay tuned for the details!

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Chattanooga's oldest and largest club for air-cooled and water-cooled Volkswagens, since 1998. Join Us

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