Latest News

Nightfall Rock The Block

May 19, 2016

Our cruise-in will be a little different this month. We've been invited to Rock the Block at Nightfall Downtown Chattanooga! The road will be closed from the Bessie Smith Cultural Center on MLK to Miller Plaza around 5 and we have a block reserved for vintage, air-cooled VWs.

May Club Meeting

May 12, 2016

Wally's The next monthly meeting of the Scenic City Volks Folks will be held on Monday, May 16th. Doors open at 6:00 PM and the meeting will start at 7PM sharp. We meet at Wally's Restaurant on Ringgold Road in East Ridge. Visitors are always welcome.

May Cruise-In

April 19, 2016

SonicJoin us on Friday, May 6th at the Sonic Drive-In on East Brainerd Road for our Monthly Cruise In. Bring a chair or two and hang out with us, we will meet at 7:00 PM. If the weather is not favorable to sit outside, we will be inside at the KFC next door.

It's Bug-a-Paluza Time!

April 12, 2016

This weekend is Bug-a-Paluza 18, our newest VW festival featuring a large car show, swap meet area, and campout. It's going on all weekend long at Camp Jordan in East Ridge, TN. We hope you'll join us. All proceeds benefit the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Chattanooga!

April Club Meeting

April 4, 2016

Wally's The next monthly meeting of the Scenic City Volks Folks will be held on Monday, April 11th. Doors open at 6:00 PM and the meeting will start at 7PM sharp. We meet at Wally's Restaurant on Ringgold Road in East Ridge. Visitors are always welcome.

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Chattanooga's oldest and largest club for air-cooled and water-cooled Volkswagens, since 1998. Join Us

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