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October Meeting Notes

October 21, 2007

Scenic City Volks Folks
Meeting notes
October 15, 2007

There were 23 Volks Folks members and 1 visitor at Monday nights meeting.

We watched a DVD that Kyle had brought in of Mid Americas 2005 car show in Effingham, Illinois. Using a projector, we were able to show the DVD on the wall which made it nice and easy to see. We will be doing more of this during the meetings. Also using the projector and a laptop computer, Zen showed us a brief preview of a little project he is working on. Zen is putting together a VW trivia game based on the format of the game show Jeopardy. This is also something that we will be incorporating into the meetings from time-to-time and promises to be a lot of fun and informative.

We were able to welcome one visitor, Herb Cropp from Marion County. We meet Herb at the Octoberfest. Herb has recently acquired a very nicely done 1970 Beetle. Thanks Herb for visiting with us and we look for ward to seeing you again.

For those of you that missed these two events, the club campout at Fort Mountain and the Octoberfest, you will want to make sure that you do attend them next time. Both events were a lot of fun. There are pictures from both events posted our club website. Be sure to take a look at the pictures and the fun we were having. Weather was perfect for both events.

There are several club members planning on making the trip to Dade City, Florida for the Bug Jam in November. If you have plans on going or would like to get more information about the show, let us know and we will put you in touch with one of the club members planning on making the trip.

Our next gathering will be the cruise-in at the Sonic Drive In on East Brainerd Road on November 2nd. We will meet there at 7:00 until ?. This will probably be our last outside cruise-in before the cold weather forces us to start meeting
inside for the winter. Be sure to make plans to come out and have that one last outdoor meeting. Its always a lot of fun with all kinds of VW story's being told. Laughter is abundant at these informal meetings. Bring a chair.

Our next regularly scheduled formal club meeting will be held on November 19th at the China Moon restaurant in the Eastgate Center on Brainerd road at 7:00. Mark your calendar and come join us.

Only 187 days left until Bug-a-Paluza 10


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Chattanooga's oldest and largest club for air-cooled and water-cooled Volkswagens, since 1998. Join Us

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