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Volunteers Needed for Stocking Full of Love Labor Day Car Show!

August 23, 2007

There are several upcoming events in the Southeast listed on our Events Page. Please attend and support as many of these events as possible! If you know of any others that we don't have listed, please post them in our Events Forum.

On Labor Day (Sept. 3rd), there will be an open car show to benefit the Walker County Stocking Full of Love. This is a well established show and attracts some of the best show cars from this area. There are classes for everything from original antiques to rods to muscle cars to tuners. There are several VW classes! The show is held at the Walker County Civic Center on US Hwy. 27 in Rock Spring, GA (about 3 miles south of Chickamauga Battlefield).

Once again, the Scenic City Volks Folks will provide the registration and judging for the show. We need volunteers! Registration starts at 8:00 AM and judging starts about noon. We should have our part done and be ready to leave no later than 3:00 PM. If you would like to help out this very worthy cause, please contact Zen Hendricks @ 423-605-9816.

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