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Coming Up Soon . . .

January 24, 2007

Bug-A-Paluza is less than three months away, so start getting warmed up for it by participating in these events:

The Dead of Winter campout is coming up on Friday, February 2nd - Sunday, February 4th at Cloudland Canyon State Park on Lookout Mountain. OK, maybe that's not a good place to "warm up" but it's always fun!

We are moving our February Cruise-In to the SECOND Friday evening (Feb. 9th) in case you want to attend the campout and our cruise-in. The February Cruise-In will be held at Mr. T's Pizza on Hwy. 58.

Our next Volks Folks monthly meeting will be at the China Moon Buffet (in the Eastgate Town Center on Brainard Road) on February 19th at 7:00 PM.

Check out our forums for details or to ask questions about these or any other events! And get ready . . . April will be here before you know it!

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