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Share Your Christmas Food Drive

December 2, 2006

Please come out and join the Scenic City Volks Folks in supporting the annual Channel 3 Share Your Christmas Food Drive! The food drive will be going on all day long on Wednesday, December 6th at the First Tennessee Pavilion on Carter Street in Chattanooga. Channel 3 will be broadcasting live from the pavilion throughout the day, ending with the 6:00 o'clock news. The Volks Folks will continue our tradition of dropping off our canned goods and non-perishable food items at the beginning of the 6 0'clock news.

Our gathering point this year will be Coker Tire's headquarters, located at 1317 Chestnut Street. We will leave Coker's at about 5:55 PM -- ** CHANGE OF PLANS!! THE FOOD BANK HAS REQUESTED WE BE THERE A LITTLE EARLIER IF POSSIBLE. WE WILL TRY TO PULL OUT FROM COKER'S AT 5:45 PM!! ** -- and drive over to the pavilion. (Directions to Coker Tire: From I-24 east, take Highway 27 north to Main Street exit 1. Left on Main two blocks to Chestnut. Left on Chestnut 1 block. From I-75, take I-24 west and follow above directions.)

So please, pick up a few non-perishables, hop in your Volkswagen and come join us for this very worthwhile event!

Also remember that our December Meeting and Christmas Party will be Monday, December 18th at 7:00 PM. The Meeting/Party will be at the China Moon Buffet in the Eastgate Town Center, Brainard Road between the Holiday Bowl and Wal-Mart. We will exchange gifts 'Chinese Auction' style. Bring a wrapped gift ($10 maximum) if you want to participate. This is always a blast!

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