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October Happenings

October 13, 2005

It's hard to believe it's about over, but 2005 is winding down fast. But don't despair, there are still a few VW events and activities to get involved with.

The Scenic City Volks Folks will have one more Sonic Cruise-In on Friday evening, October 14th. This is an informal gathering of local VW enthusiast that last from around 7:00 PM until ???. Bring a folding chair and come hang out with us for entire evening, or just drive through and say hi! The cruise in is located at the Sonic Drive In on East Brainard Road, just past the intersection of East Brainard and Gunbarrel Roads. Tell them you are with the Volkswagen Club when you order and you will get a 10% discount on your food and drinks.

On Sunday, October 16th, Village Volkswagen of Chattanooga is sponsoring Octoberfest at the Chattanooga Market. They are once again holding a small Volkswagen show, with judging by spectators. If you want to enter the show, you need to get there about 11:00 - 11:30 and plan to stay until about 5:00. The market opens at noon and the place gets can leave before it's over, but it's not easy to drive through the crowd.

Monday, October 17th will be our club's regular monthly meeting. We will once again be meeting at the China Moon buffet in the Eastgate Town Center (just off Brainard Road between Holiday Bowl and Brainard Village). For more information, visit our Membership Info page.

Looking ahead to November, the Bulli Brigade (an all split window bus show) and Pasco Bug Jam (formerly Florida Bug Jam) are coming up on November 12th and 13th. The Volks Folks usually have several families cruising down to Tampa, FL for these events. We will be discussing travel plans at the meeting on Oct. 17th.

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Chattanooga's oldest and largest club for air-cooled and water-cooled Volkswagens, since 1998. Join Us

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