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Volks Folks Meeting Tonight - NEW LOCATION!

September 19, 2005

Our September club meeting is tonight (Monday, September 19th) at 7:00 PM. This will be our first meeting at our new location, the China Moon Buffet in the Eastgate Town Center on Brainerd Road. Please bring the family and come join us for an evening of fun shooting the breeze about anything and everything VW related. You don't have to be a member and you don't have to drive a VW to the meeting. You don't even have to own one . . . just as long as you love 'em, you'll fit right in.

We usually eat and mingle until about 7:30 when we kick off the "business end" of the meeting. On the agenda are VW and club related events of the past month and events coming up in the near future. One very important topic we will discuss is next weekend's campout at Sloppy Floyd State Park (Summerville, GA) Friday and Saturday night and the Volks Folks picnic on Sunday afternoon.

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