
Topic: 2004 Passat Wagon 1.8T coolant leak  (Read 13230 times)

Offline ASBug

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2004 Passat Wagon 1.8T coolant leak

« on: December 06, 2013, 11:00:58 AM »
I decided that I was polluting Travis' classified listing talking about this so I would just move it over here:

I have a small coolant leak on the 1.8T Schwaggen, I almost drove the ghia today...
But decided to risk the drive to work, looks like one of the hoses from the coolant rail along the top has swollen and is leaking around the clamp... 140K I guess it is time.
The hose that goes to the oil cooler?

Travis - It is a hose that comes off the coolant rail about 2/3rds of way back on driver's side.  It bends under and through the intercooler hoses and appears to dock to the block right where the oil filter screws on.
I have not actually seen it leak, I checked last night when the warning light came on about 3/4 miles from home, all hoses were dry, there was some coolant at the leading edge of the hood on the inside, looks like it was spayed there, but I cannot find out where. no drips and no wet hoses, but this hose appears to have dried up (white residue) coolant on it and looks swollen around the coolant rail side.
It was dark and engine was hot so I could not hear any drips or such with all the heat shrouds popping and creaking from cooling down.
I put some H2O (about an 8oz cup worth) to get the resovoir full again.
None of the hoses felt rotten enough to rear in half, but somewhere I have a leak.

Offline travisyoung

Re: 2004 Passat Wagon 1.8T coolant leak

« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2013, 11:07:50 AM »
Coolant flange on the back of the head were bad about leaking,  real common to see the crusty around the oil cooler above the oil filter

Offline ASBug

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Re: 2004 Passat Wagon 1.8T coolant leak

« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2013, 01:38:07 PM »
Have ran the car all day and drove and checked it several times, all the tell tell signs are there, crusty spattered hoses, etc just no leak...
Gonna run it by the dealer on Tuesday, or I may just trade it in....
Looked pretty hard at a "new" 2012 Jetta TDI 6sp they have on the lot. It isn't a program car it has just been there since 2012, I think I can get a deal in it.
Was kinda surprised to see it in the back of the lot. The 2014 sitting next to it was only ~1800 more on the sticker for basically the same options.
I am gonna decide over the weekend if I go in and offer them like 18K for it (sticker is 22).
I'll probably just chicken out but it was fun to go car shopping this morning in the rain, the salesmen were too lazy to walk out and bother me for about the first 15 minutes, LOL.

Offline travisyoung

Re: 2004 Passat Wagon 1.8T coolant leak

« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2013, 03:25:09 PM »
May be a really slow leak combined with the colder weather

Offline volksnick

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Re: 2004 Passat Wagon 1.8T coolant leak

« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2013, 04:13:57 PM »
it was fun to go car shopping this morning in the rain, the salesmen were too lazy to walk out and bother me for about the first 15 minutes, LOL.

When I lived in Knoxville, I took Bonnie (with a straight stinger) out to the Chevy Dealer because my Dad HAD to have a new Corvette (I think it was in 2008, when the new body style came out). I rolled up load as hell, parked in front of the door and stepped out. They asked if they could help me with something, and I said, "Where are your new Corvettes?" They didn't move..."Over there." The new guy finally came over and talked to me. I explained they my dad wanted to buy one IF they had one with the options he wanted. Dad finally got one down near Atlanta, but I'll never forget the one time I didn't get hassled the moment I stepped out of my car at a car lot!

Offline ASBug

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Re: 2004 Passat Wagon 1.8T coolant leak

« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2013, 04:29:07 PM »
It was surreal, I had a huge golfing umbrella and was quite dry.
The salesman that finally did come out was getting soaked, i offered to let him get under and he just said no, after the second offer I just let him get wet.
He didn't seem to excited about going down on the jettas, but they are practically 2 years old, and even though they are new, when I drive them off the lot they will be 2 years old... so I think they should be WAY closer to KBB for a nice used extremely low mileage jetta from 2012.
If I bought it and drove it right back on the lot they are going to give me wholesale on a 2012, not a 2014. Can I get an Amen?

Offline ASBug

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Re: 2004 Passat Wagon 1.8T coolant leak

« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2013, 04:31:04 PM »
May be a really slow leak combined with the colder weather
That has been the general consensus at the dealer when we discussed it this morning.

Offline Russ

Re: 2004 Passat Wagon 1.8T coolant leak

« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2013, 10:11:30 PM »
1.8Ts are apparently notorious for coolant leaks, in fact I've got one right now in the Audi. No idea how since the car is a garage queen most of the time. It developed a very slow leak about a month ago and I've just been topping it off every time I drove it. That worked fine until Thanksgiving when I drove it to my mom's, when I noticed the coolant light flashing in my face and the temp gauge was a little on the high side. I left a pretty big puddle in her driveway, too. I filled it up with water before I left, which got me home, but it's parked for now until I can get Sal to look at it or decide to jack it up on my own and inspect.

I can tell it's leaking on the driver's side, towards the rear of the engine compartment. Not sure what goes back there. Heater hose maybe?

Offline travisyoung

Re: 2004 Passat Wagon 1.8T coolant leak

« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2013, 07:16:10 AM »
That plastic coolant flanges are bad about leaking,  that would be drivers side,  the water pumps also leak occasionally that's passenger side,  I think all cars now a days are using plastic for everything in the cooling system

Offline dubtech

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Re: 2004 Passat Wagon 1.8T coolant leak

« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2013, 07:04:18 PM »
All the plastic crap in the cooling system of my wife's Jetta is getting pretty questionable but it has lasted 14 years so I guess I can't bitch too much.  ;D

I was never a huge fan of the 1.8T.  Don't get me wrong, it's a money maker but it was never that good of an engine.  They chew up timing belts, the water pumps can't take the heat, the coil packs are a joke and the breather system looks like it was designed by Rube Goldberg.  Oh, and they leak oil worse than an aircooled car.

Russ, I'll second Travis' guess on the coolant flange as it's pretty rare to see a coolant hose split.

Offline ASBug

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Re: 2004 Passat Wagon 1.8T coolant leak

« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2013, 04:18:38 PM »
Coolant flange on the back of the head were bad about leaking,  real common to see the crusty around the oil cooler above the oil filter
^ This.
Went ahead and replaced the sensor while they had it apart.
I didn't want to mess with it.

Russ, I wonder if they would touch your Audi in Dalton...
I wonder if they can look up the parts.

« Last Edit: December 10, 2013, 04:24:31 PM by ASBug »

Offline ASBug

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Re: 2004 Passat Wagon 1.8T coolant leak

« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2013, 04:26:51 PM »

I was never a huge fan of the 1.8T. 
Did you like the VR6? or are you a 2.slow kinda guy... LOL.
Seriously though, what is the difference between the 2.0T that I see now and the old 1.8T like I have. (Please do not tell me 0.2 L)...
Is it really just a punched out 1.8T or is it "more-better".

Offline Russ

Re: 2004 Passat Wagon 1.8T coolant leak

« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2013, 04:28:28 PM »
After examining my engine and then looking at pics of the coolant flange in question, I'd say that's where my leak is too. It's dry on top and has some caked on crap around the flange.

Offline travisyoung

Re: 2004 Passat Wagon 1.8T coolant leak

« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2013, 07:10:08 PM »
Yup,  the pink crust,  if you have the correct coolant

Offline Russ

Re: 2004 Passat Wagon 1.8T coolant leak

« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2013, 08:19:22 PM »
It's kinda creamy color but I do run G12.

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