
Topic: turbo diesel  (Read 33609 times)

Offline volksnick

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Re: turbo diesel

« Reply #165 on: July 23, 2012, 01:27:40 AM »
Well fingers crossed, but hopefully I've figured out the issue. Today I took the wheel off and even though it wasn't locked up, it was still dragging pretty good. I undid the metal line and ran some compressed air through it. Nothing really came out, but it felt like it was coming through okay. Removed the caliper and one of the sleeves was stuck in there pretty good. Every time I've swapped calipers, I reused these sleeves because the new calipers don't come with them. So I got a new set along with new bolts and some more caliper grease. Greased them up good and reinstalled, the caliper slid back and forth much better. Bled the brakes again and drove it. Not locking down!

However I noticed a puddle of brake fluid from the rear passenger wheel, and it looks like it is leaking from the drum itself. Looks like I might have to work on the rear brakes next but I don't think that was related to my previous problem.

Brake issues: they don't stop!

 ;D ;D

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Re: turbo diesel

« Reply #166 on: July 23, 2012, 08:55:06 AM »
Well fingers crossed, but hopefully I've figured out the issue. Today I took the wheel off and even though it wasn't locked up, it was still dragging pretty good. I undid the metal line and ran some compressed air through it. Nothing really came out, but it felt like it was coming through okay. Removed the caliper and one of the sleeves was stuck in there pretty good. Every time I've swapped calipers, I reused these sleeves because the new calipers don't come with them. So I got a new set along with new bolts and some more caliper grease. Greased them up good and reinstalled, the caliper slid back and forth much better. Bled the brakes again and drove it. Not locking down!

However I noticed a puddle of brake fluid from the rear passenger wheel, and it looks like it is leaking from the drum itself. Looks like I might have to work on the rear brakes next but I don't think that was related to my previous problem.

Brake issues: they don't stop!

 ;D ;D
Oh yes they can be related. The brake system is ,of course a duel system. One system controls the RIGHT front and LEFT rear the other system controls LEFT front and RIGHT rear. If you have a rear cylinder leaking and pulling in air , it could effect one of the front cylinders. If I remember correctly you have to bleed the Right front left rear in that order then the left front and right rear in that order. At least thats the way it use to be with the Rabbits and Jetta's according to VWAG awhile back .
      You said " Brake issues: they don't stop "   Sounds like they stop to good.  Dang Russ ,You made a funny ;D ;D ;D

Offline Russ

Re: turbo diesel

« Reply #167 on: July 23, 2012, 09:45:45 AM »
Well I meant not related as in not related to my caliper locking down issue. That seems to be good so far. The pedal does feel slightly soft, which would be consistent with a leaky wheel cylinder allowing air into the system. And you are right, we always bleed the wheel furthest from the master cylinder first and go from there. Other than bleeding the rears, I haven't done anything back there. The parts are cheap, I think I will replace the drums, shoes, and wheel cylinders and have peace of mind knowing I have new brakes all around.

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Re: turbo diesel

« Reply #168 on: July 23, 2012, 04:15:19 PM »
Well I meant not related as in not related to my caliper locking down issue. That seems to be good so far. The pedal does feel slightly soft, which would be consistent with a leaky wheel cylinder allowing air into the system. And you are right, we always bleed the wheel furthest from the master cylinder first and go from there. Other than bleeding the rears, I haven't done anything back there. The parts are cheap, I think I will replace the drums, shoes, and wheel cylinders and have peace of mind knowing I have new brakes all around.
What do you bet this will cure your problem ?   Been there , Done that.

Offline Russ

Re: turbo diesel

« Reply #169 on: September 08, 2012, 07:37:27 PM »
Little update, I was never able to get the brakes working right. We swapped calipers again, and I finally threw in the towel on it.

It's going to Billy at Rusty Bottom Garage Brennan, best of luck to him with it.

In the meantime though, I've got something else lined up. Some of you may have seen this car, as it belongs to Perry (of S&P). It's a 1982 Rabbit, 1.6L diesel. I've been driving it for a couple of days and I've come to like it very much.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2012, 10:37:14 PM by Russ »

Offline Russ

Re: turbo diesel

« Reply #170 on: September 09, 2012, 10:37:44 PM »
Been driving the Rabbit around all weekend and I must say I'm loving it.

Offline certdubtech

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Re: turbo diesel

« Reply #171 on: September 10, 2012, 06:02:12 AM »
Looks pretty darned nice.   8)

Offline attack chicken

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Re: turbo diesel

« Reply #172 on: September 10, 2012, 11:27:22 PM »
Got a good look at the Rabbit today, def cool ride! 8)

Offline Russ

Re: turbo diesel

« Reply #173 on: September 11, 2012, 09:03:21 AM »
Thanks Rick and Rick, I am definitely happier with this one. I'll try to get it cleaned up a little and then take some good pics. I also plan to drive this thing on the Bavarian Run this weekend. 8)

Offline travisyoung

Re: turbo diesel

« Reply #174 on: September 11, 2012, 09:49:06 AM »
Is this your ride now?

Offline Russ

Re: turbo diesel

« Reply #175 on: September 11, 2012, 10:06:57 AM »
It is!

Offline travisyoung

Re: turbo diesel

« Reply #176 on: September 11, 2012, 10:27:13 AM »
Cool, it was funny to see him tow the company trailer around the parking lot, it was larger than the rabbit,  cool ride

Offline Russ

Re: turbo diesel

« Reply #177 on: September 11, 2012, 10:33:34 AM »
Yeah it's a neat little car and I've always been a fan of it.

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