While I'm not a fan of moving the meeting, I will say that IF the club decides to move, Shoney's might not be a bad choice, because if I were a newbie and I accidentally showed up to "where the meetings used to be" (Wally's) and I got stumped and walked back out to my car, I would see all the VWs at Shoney's across the parking lot.
Having said that, I see no problem with the Wally's location. Sure, it closes at 8pm, but I don't really want to sit through a meeting much longer than that. I think all the fun occurs before the meeting and in the parking lot afterwards. Besides, they have never really rushed us out or turned the lights out on us; kinda the nice part about supporting a local private business. And if we are trying to avoid food complaints, moving from one buffet to the next will never solve food complaints. I agree with eating elsewhere and attending just for the meetings; I do.