Notes from the Meeting:
Nick got to meet Amanda Miller
We are group 88. We are dead last, except for santa, who is right behind us.
-Line up starts at 4:00 on Saturday- We are in group D which is between Cathy Lane and the Interstate- look for Santa and get in front of him. We are behind #86 Life something Baptist Church and #87 Puckett something.
-Pre-Judging is between 5:30-6:00 (be ready at 5:30 if you care about judging- they are in a gold crown vic)
-There will be two Port-a-potties along Germantown. Oakwood Baptist Church is also available- often with refreshments
-Bring trash bags to the staging area so we can clean up after ourselves
-Do not block driveways in staging area
-Car groups should be prepared to stage two cars wide, but go to single file for the parade.
-The judging stand is in front of Little Ceasars on Ringgold Road (DO NOT STOP IN FRONT OF THEM)
-Parade workers are wearing bright "TDOT Green" shirts and will be everywhere. If you have a question or a problem (break down or whatever) notify them immediately.
-NO THROWING CANDY- it lures kids into the streets and they could get run over. People walking along the sides can HAND OUT candy or promotional info.
- Parade speed is about 3mph or 22 adult steps (of approx 22inches) per minute.
-Keep 1 to 1.5 car lengths in between floats/vehicles
-Candy throwers will get a citation and evicted from the parade.
When we get to Tombras Ave, we CAN go straight but the right turn on Tombras is supposed to be open. Since we are last, it might be a traffic jam of kids climbing off floats or whatever. We will leave it up to the lead VW to find a regrouping area. They recommended getting together before hand and cruising in together. My father's business is at the corner of Navajo and Germantown (just on the other side of interstate). We could group up there line up if we want.
The fee was $10.
Our intro is as written:
#88- Scenic City Volks Folks
"Scenic City Volks Folks- Chattanooga Area's Volkswagen Club. The same folks that put on "Bug-a-Paluza" at Camp Jordan, now the South's Premier Car show sponsored by the City of East Ridge."