HEY, EVERYBODY! What smells like lemon and rotten eggs and can be found in a car? The answer is the smell I couldn't quite place all weekend until I heard steam under my back seat after getting home. That's right-an overheating battery! Who says a VW can't boil over? So, either a bad cell or the voltage regulator is causing it to overcharge to the tune of 13.5V at the terminals.
But, hey, we made it home!
Been there done that. Coming back from Nashville in '64 , Brand new '64 Beetle. About 3:00AM I though my Buddy had forgotten to take his Beano. I blamed him and had all the windows down(2) when I notice my headlights were a blue tint and I could see about a mile ahead. Found a truck stop and jumped out of the Bug. I found that I couldn't touch the reg. or the battery. We pulled the hot lead off the reg, cranked up and drove all the way home on the battery head/L's and all. The poor battery looked 9 months pregnant. Bottom line , The reg. points welded themselves . The gen. was making about 9.5 volts. Loved the headlights though