I've been racking my brain trying to think of who all showed up. I was the first one there. Right after I got Homer the Superbus in one of the 3 or 4 empty slots on "our" side of Sonic (the rest were filled with empty cars that belonged to Sonic Employees), the couple with the nice silver Thing showed up (Y'all know how I am with names . . . I know them, but I'm drawing a blank on their names tonight). After about 30 minutes Anthony and (again, I know her name, but I'm drawing a blank again) his girlfriend showed in his Super Beetle Convertible. Later on Robert Esch showed up in his supercharged Cabriolet, and shortly after that, Matthew pulled in driving Butters. About the time we thought everyone that was coming was there, Mark Holland and his son drove up in his 63 ragtop. For the rest of you . . . Y'all missed a good one! It rained on me and Matthew after everyone else had left, but it stopped after about 15 or 20 minutes and we had dry ride home.
Speaking of the ride home . . .
. . . Homer ran out of gas sitting at the red light on Dietz Road and Battlefield parkway.
I had a gas can with me, so I pushed it over onto the sidewalk in front of Walgreens and walked over to the Mapco across Battlefield parkway and got a gallon of gas . . . that was plenty to get me down the road to the Kangaroo where I filled up. Got home without any further trouble.