
Topic: My poor ole Saab  (Read 5489 times)

Offline Smelly_Cat

My poor ole Saab

« on: October 24, 2013, 02:58:39 PM »
Okay.  My Son called last night at 9:30,  said the car sounded funny and the oil light was on.  I told him to add a quart see if the light goes out .  He did and said the light went out.

 I got the car today,  the car had 11 quarts of oil in it.  I drained out about 7 quarts.

The valves sound like a sewing machine but its running OK,  My theory is he had too much oil.  Oil turned to bubbles,  bubbles don't pump.  and the valves were starved of oil.

What are my options?.  Why is it rattley sounding?,  Whats probably wrong with it now?  SC

Offline ASBug

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Re: My poor ole Saab

« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2013, 04:51:02 PM »
Fuel in oil?
If it had that much oil in it it should have been smoking like the Godfather....
Fuel would also have thinned the oil to where it would have eaten up the rod bearings, etc.
Wow, 11 Qts is alot.

Offline Smelly_Cat

Re: My poor ole Saab

« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2013, 08:16:11 PM »
A ridiculaous ammount of oil.  I read a bit and maybe the valve lifters are filled with air bubbles.  Read some about thinning the oil with ATf  and running an idle to get oil back in the lifters.   Other posts said remove the lifters and fill them with oil or something like that.

Offline travisyoung

Re: My poor ole Saab

« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2013, 10:01:07 PM »
On Vw motors that sit for a while ,  just run it for a while and the lifters will quiet down

Offline Zen

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Re: My poor ole Saab

« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2013, 10:24:44 PM »
Listen to ASBug . . . WHERE did the 7 extra quarts of oil come from?  Your son added 1.  You still have 6 quarts to account for.  Either someone poured the oil in the engine OR, more likely, fuel is getting into the crankcase and mixing with the oil.  Did the oil you drained out appear thin and smell like gas?  If so, you gott'a drain it all out and add all new oil, but you also have to figure out how the gas got out of the fuel system and into the crankcase.  I know nothing about a Saab, but one other engines I've seen this happen on it was due to a faulty mechanical fuel pump or too much fuel pressure causing gas to flood the carb after the engine was shut down.  The gas would run into any cylinders with the intake valve open and slowly leak past the rings into the crankcase.  If you have fuel injection . . . I don't know.  But you BETTER figure out IF it's gas in the oil, and find and fix the source or you'll be needing an engine before long.

If the oil is thinned out 2 to 1 with gas, you probably won't have much oil pressure and your lifters will get really loud.  I highly doubt it has ANYTHING to do with air bubbles.

Offline volksnick

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Re: My poor ole Saab

« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2013, 10:28:16 PM »
I highly doubt it has ANYTHING to do with air bubbles.


Offline Smelly_Cat

Re: My poor ole Saab

« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2013, 05:58:21 AM »
Here is what I've come to know henceforth.  SuperSon,  drives the burnt out Saab.  Since he ran a Camry out of oil,  he now believes that oil is the Fountain of youth and you can't have enough.  So adding Oil is his thing to do it anything is acting funny.  Last Sunday I got a call that the car would not go over 45 mph and the radio stopped working.  He added oil.  I drove to Rossville with my tools see what was up while he was working.  turned out it was the positive wire to the alternator broke from the connector.  rigged it up,  all was well.

 I did not check the oil that day since car was on a hill.  I hear nothing for 3 days until Wed night at 930.  Phone call, " oil light is on car, sounds funny".  Aggggg!!. Over the phone.  I say stop, check the oil,  When I ask if its got oil , he says yea.  I'm asking more questions trying to figure out is at max or low.  I never got an answer that I under stood.  He Drives more to store and pours more oil in it.  I don't know how much oil he had in it or how much he poured in.  Thursday,  I drain out a whole plastic oil pan full and its still 5 inches over Max.  I drain another 2-3 quarts and its below max.  I'm going to drive it 19 miles  to work today,  Maybe it will quiet down.  I'm buying a locking oil fill cap today for him and keeping the key.  the oil does not smell gasey.  and  acts like real oil not thin or watery.  SC

Offline travisyoung

Re: My poor ole Saab

« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2013, 06:20:27 AM »
Surprised it was not smoking real bad,  it's possible that stuff that wasn't supposed to get oil got oil like breathers or something ,  to much oil will damage the cat also

Offline Smelly_Cat

Re: My poor ole Saab

« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2013, 06:35:45 PM »
Seems like the Saab calmed down.  sounds like a 20 year car again.  Maybe its worse,   maybe I cant tell.  Im just glad it drove me to work and back.    I never saw any smoke when it was filled to the gills  .  must be swedish magic.  Thanks everyone.  SC

Offline Smelly_Cat

Re: My poor ole Saab

« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2013, 02:32:11 AM »
I got a clutch kit,  beat the parts back in saab.  The slave would extend but not retract.   I buggered the thing in the install.  I get to do another slave cyl .  argggggg.   The engine is backwards and the clutch pressure plate bearing slave sand which has to come out all together.   sC

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