
Topic: Finally Got One! Wooo Hooo!!!  (Read 59491 times)

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Re: Finally Got One! Wooo Hooo!!!

« Reply #105 on: April 08, 2013, 10:20:09 AM »
All Right NICK. Pay attention to Zens  Maytag.  This is what your two rare Johnsons need to look like. Get busy and do it right. You don't want Zen to " get one up on you" do you?

Not gonna happen...

Zen, check this out:
So, What are you going to do with them. I'll give you $10.00 for them ;D ;D Hell ,You ought to just give them to me for that two P.U. loads of VW parts I gave you.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2013, 03:33:12 PM by Ret.Bugtech »

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Re: Finally Got One! Wooo Hooo!!!

« Reply #106 on: April 08, 2013, 03:04:31 PM »
All Right NICK. Pay attention to Zens  Maytag.  This is what your two rare Johnsons need to look like. Get busy and do it right. You don't want Zen to " get one up on you" do you?

Not gonna happen...

Zen, check this out:
So, What are you going to do with them. I'll give you $10.00 for them ;D ;D
That looks good .Just add some wire wheels and a wagon handle .

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Re: Finally Got One! Wooo Hooo!!!

« Reply #107 on: April 09, 2013, 10:30:31 PM »
Now you need to move on to a real "hit & miss" engine.

This little 3/4 hp, 1 cylinder 2 stroke has just about kicked my butt and drained my top secret savings account.  I do hope to progress from where I'm at to a "real hit & miss" engine.  Right now I have a "miss and miss again" engine!  ;D  . . . But it looks good!   8)

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Re: Finally Got One! Wooo Hooo!!!

« Reply #108 on: April 09, 2013, 10:52:55 PM »
Zen, If you haven't cleaned up your fly wheel yet, I can bead (glass) blast it for you. They were not polished but bright. Then clear coat it. This would help get all the grime off between the cooling fins. The stator plate (where the coil mounts) is also left silver like the flywheel. The pulley is green.

I have an extra flywheel and a pulley on the way.  They should be here Friday or Saturday.  I'm on vacation next week . . . I've got a lot of stuff to do for the show, but somewhere in the mix I'll stop by your place and see what your blaster will do on these dirty old parts.  I got the extra flywheel because I think the magnet in mine is weak . . . my flywheel doesn't look too bad . . . it ought to glow with a little glass bead blasting.

My original plan was to churn us some ice cream at Bug-A-Paluza 15.  Unless things go exceptionally well next week, I don't think I'll have enough time to even get it running by then.  We may have to save the ice cream churning for a future weekend . . . Maybe we could do a little "tailgating" after we've taken a trip on some rail speeders?  What 'ch think?

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Re: Finally Got One! Wooo Hooo!!!

« Reply #109 on: April 10, 2013, 07:57:49 AM »
Zen, If you haven't cleaned up your fly wheel yet, I can bead (glass) blast it for you. They were not polished but bright. Then clear coat it. This would help get all the grime off between the cooling fins. The stator plate (where the coil mounts) is also left silver like the flywheel. The pulley is green.

I have an extra flywheel and a pulley on the way.  They should be here Friday or Saturday.  I'm on vacation next week . . . I've got a lot of stuff to do for the show, but somewhere in the mix I'll stop by your place and see what your blaster will do on these dirty old parts.  I got the extra flywheel because I think the magnet in mine is weak . . . my flywheel doesn't look too bad . . . it ought to glow with a little glass bead blasting.

My original plan was to churn us some ice cream at Bug-A-Paluza 15.  Unless things go exceptionally well next week, I don't think I'll have enough time to even get it running by then.  We may have to save the ice cream churning for a future weekend . . . Maybe we could do a little "tailgating" after we've taken a trip on some rail speeders?  What 'ch think?
Sounds good to me. Can't on Tues.  Any other day is good. Give me a heads up.

Offline Zen

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Re: Finally Got One! Wooo Hooo!!!

« Reply #110 on: April 14, 2013, 05:20:31 PM »
I just ordered a set of decals for the engine.  These are printed on the original equipment that produced the decals for the factory back in the 30s and 40s.  I don't know if this thing will ever run, but it's going to look sharp!   ;D

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Re: Finally Got One! Wooo Hooo!!!

« Reply #111 on: April 14, 2013, 11:08:58 PM »
I just ordered a set of decals for the engine.  These are printed on the original equipment that produced the decals for the factory back in the 30s and 40s.  I don't know if this thing will ever run, but it's going to look sharp!   ;D
Oh ye of little faith. It will run and look good to. Sometimes its hard to have both at the same time, but stranger things have happened at sea.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2013, 11:10:57 PM by Ret.Bugtech »

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Re: Finally Got One! Wooo Hooo!!!

« Reply #112 on: April 15, 2013, 09:33:29 PM »
I just ordered a set of decals for the engine.  These are printed on the original equipment that produced the decals for the factory back in the 30s and 40s.  I don't know if this thing will ever run, but it's going to look sharp!   ;D
Oh ye of little faith. It will run and look good to. Sometimes its hard to have both at the same time, but stranger things have happened at sea.
It "should" run.

The piston/cylinder and rings looked great.  I just cleaned up all the carbon (not much to clean up) and hit the cylinder with a hone just enough to break the glaze and put it back together.  So, I've got great compression.

I haven't been able to break the big nut on the bottom of the mixer (carb) loose.  After soaking for several days it seems to work like it should, so I'm going to just bend the lock tabs back in place and try it as-is for now.  I may have to address a mixer problem later . . . we'll see.

The spark seemed pretty week.  I'll clean the points up and I might swap out the magnet with the one from my spare flywheel.  I haven't done a side by side compairison to see which one seems stronger.

Yeah, it should run . . .evenutally.  It's gonn'a look killer until then!   ;D

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Re: Finally Got One! Wooo Hooo!!!

« Reply #113 on: April 25, 2013, 10:42:25 PM »
One day last week Ret.Bugtech bead blasted my flywheel and the kick start cover and a few other odds and ends.  I got the flywheel hub and kick start cover painted this afternoon, then I wiped about a half inch of pollen off the engine and put on a couple of the decals.  I haven't messed with water slide decals since the last time I built a model car (at least 35 years ago) . . . well, it's not like riding a bike.  It takes a little practice.  I tore the first one, but I was able to get it installed so the tear doesn't show too bad.  I made some pictures, but I can't get my card reader to work and I can't find a cord for my camera . . . but, I'm still making slow progress, and I hate to brag, but it's looking pretty good!   ;D

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Re: Finally Got One! Wooo Hooo!!!

« Reply #114 on: April 26, 2013, 07:36:58 PM »
All that's left is to highlight the raised Maytag script on the kick start cover . . . then it's on to the magneto and flywheel.  Gett'n close.   ;D

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Re: Finally Got One! Wooo Hooo!!!

« Reply #115 on: April 26, 2013, 09:56:56 PM »
All that's left is to highlight the raised Maytag script on the kick start cover . . . then it's on to the magneto and flywheel.  Gett'n close.   ;D
WOW !!  Look'n Great !!   I can already taste ICE CREAM. YUM YUM !!

Offline Zen

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Re: Finally Got One! Wooo Hooo!!!

« Reply #116 on: April 29, 2013, 10:05:53 PM »
I have the backing plate installed.  I have been watching some youtube videos about checking and setting the ignition system.  There's an old guy that has a bunch of videos on Maytag engines . . . Shop Dog Sam from the "East Coast of Arkansas" . . . I saw he had a series of videos on setting the timing on a Maytag 92 without using a jig . . . I'm on episode 17 of the series now and he still hasn't gotten around to talking about timing.  But I've learned how to operate an old manual lathe to make tool that he isn't going to use to time the engine . . . he's just making it because somebody said it's a factory tool and there is only one in existance.  Well, two now, but you don't need it.  He's going to show how to time one of these critters without the tool or a jig.  Eventally.  Or so he says.  I may not ever learn how to time one of these engines, but I'm learning lots of other stuff!   ;D 

Offline Zen

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Re: Finally Got One! Wooo Hooo!!!

« Reply #117 on: May 03, 2013, 12:26:45 PM »
About all that's left (hopefully) is installing the governor in the flywheel and bolting the flywheel on it.  If it has a good spark, I'll fill it with fuel and see if runs!  I have a feeling it's going to need some work on the carb . . . but maybe I'll get lucky.   8)

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Re: Finally Got One! Wooo Hooo!!!

« Reply #118 on: May 03, 2013, 02:38:33 PM »
About all that's left (hopefully) is installing the governor in the flywheel and bolting the flywheel on it.  If it has a good spark, I'll fill it with fuel and see if runs!  I have a feeling it's going to need some work on the carb . . . but maybe I'll get lucky.   8)
I have prayed to the Greek God of Mags The Almighty HotusSparkusMaytagus to let flee the power from the bowels of the bakelite and come forth to present to your humble pilgrim, the great blue essence of fire and make him spill forth to all the world to  hear, the sounds of great pleasure joy and mirth. 8)

Offline Zen

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Re: Finally Got One! Wooo Hooo!!!

« Reply #119 on: May 03, 2013, 02:47:44 PM »
. . . maybe I'll get lucky.   8)
I have prayed to the Greek God of Mags The Almighty HotusSparkusMaytagus to let flee the power from the bowels of the bakelite and come forth to present to your humble pilgrim, the great blue essence of fire and make him spill forth to all the world to  hear, the sounds of great pleasure joy and mirth. 8)

And if I don't get lucky, a little divine intervention wouldn't hurt!   ;D

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