
Topic: Where do you plug the heater?  (Read 7133 times)

Offline Sfschaad

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Where do you plug the heater?

« on: March 23, 2009, 08:06:13 AM »
So when I purchased my bus a couple weeks ago the guy I bought it from told me that the heat was always on. Do to rusted pipes the heat also pumps a good amount of carbon monoxide into the cab. My brother suggest I purchase a Canary and hang its cage from the rearview but I decided it would probably be much cleaner to just plug the heater from the start. I've got two plugs someone gave me but I'm not sure exactly where to plug in the heat system (picture below). The only place they appear to fit I've noted on the other picture below. I'm concern about blocking the wrong air flow and my motor overheating. Can anyone tell me if they've done this before? Or suggest another way for me to block the heat?

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Where do you plug the heater?

« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2009, 08:37:01 AM »
You could do something really clever and repair the heater box's. If your box's are rusted/burned out where they connect to the muffler ,you can buy a little repair kit to replace the ends only. New heater box's are terrible. They do not fit well and don't heat well and cost way to much money and they have to be for a bus/van . Box's from a bug are different in the way they are hooked up to the levers.
     You can block the air pipes shown in you pic, but make sure that the plugs will not fall out. It would cost you about 50-60% of your engine cooling air. Not good and just in time for summer driving.
      You might check under the van and see if someone wired the heaters on for winter due to broken cables. If so ,cut them loose. A very common thing to do. I hope this helps.

Offline ASBug

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Where do you plug the heater?

« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2009, 08:47:51 AM »
If you do this, your heat exchangers WILL overheat.  I tried this last summer and melted some plastic in the beetle.
I would just disconnect the flexable hose on the end of the heat exchangers and put those plugs in the drawer.
Put some Alabama Chrome (duct tape) on the end of the hard metal pipe (body side) and seal it off & presto no heater.  (It isn't like the heat is usefull any way.
-KC :D

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Where do you plug the heater?

« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2009, 10:04:50 AM »
Do what to make a exchanger overheat. ?Melted what plastic? If the heater boxes are in normal, good operating condition and turn them off with the cables there is no air passing through the boxes. The air is stalled out at the flap inside the box. What would make them overheat ?  If you are melting something you have problem.  If you pull the flex pipes off the heater box under the car and the heater box flaps are still lock open you will loose a lot cooling air. That be like taking the pipes off the fan housing and leaving them open. Not a good thing for summer driving around here unless you just love to burn up stuff.
       The bottom line is------Repair or replace your heater exchangers and be done with it. :roll:

Offline ASBug

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Where do you plug the heater?

« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2009, 10:32:15 AM »
The set of heat exchangers that are on the cut away engine were dammaged to where they were leaking because of this.  I had to replace them.  Do what Ret.Tech says and just replace them, that is what I did.  BUT, I wouldn't have had to if I had not just plugged up the outlets on the doghouse.  
The plastic that melted was the little vent that is in the kick pannel on the back seat.  The heat oozing out of the heat exchangers killed it.  It was just a convection heating last summer.  All I can say is that If you plug up the doghouse outputs you will overheat.  -"That's all I have to say about that." - Forrest Gump.

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Where do you plug the heater?

« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2009, 10:45:24 AM »
As long as you are happy :roll:

Offline certdubtech

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Where do you plug the heater?

« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2009, 01:09:25 PM »
Ummm.... yeah....
Me thinks you should be looking somewhere else for said plastic melting issue.  i do not believe that plugging the outlets in the fan housing would do that.  I have been working on these cars FOR A LONG TIME, and have not seen that one yet.... and believe me when i say this, as i have seen some wierd stuff over the years....

Offline Zen

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Where do you plug the heater?

« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2009, 01:14:45 PM »
I've never seen one get hot enough to melt anything, but they will get a little hotter with the air to them disconnected.  When you close the flap to cut the hot (  :lol:  ) air off to the cab, a small amount of air continues to flow across the heat sink and out the vent behind the flap.

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Where do you plug the heater?

« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2009, 02:01:30 PM »
That little vent on top of the box is a baby's breath. The worse exhaust smell you get comes from the rusted outer sheet metal around the outlet pipe right at the muffler connection along with a hole in the muffler or a rusted out heat riser pipe on the intake where the cooling fan picks it up and feeds it to the air going through the heater box. I have seen a very few cracks in the boxes in 40 + years and these were not caused by blocking off the air.
     Me and a few million others would have loved to have a heater in a Bug that would melt the plastic vents :lol:

Offline Zen

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Where do you plug the heater?

« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2009, 02:31:00 PM »
Quote from: "ASBug"
The plastic that melted was the little vent that is in the kick pannel on the back seat.  The heat oozing out of the heat exchangers killed it.  It was just a convection heating last summer.

I think the key to Casey's problem was the time of year it happend.  I wire open one of Homer's heater boxes in the winter (the other one is bad) . . .  If I wear good gloves and it doesn't get below about 25 degrees, I can make it to work without have frostbite on my fingers.  In July, stuff on the dash starts melting and I have to close it off.  Even a heater box with rusty outer tin will put out WAY TOO MUCH heat when it's 100 degrees outside!  If you have the fresh air tube disconnected AND your heater box flap isn't closing all the way, you can draw air through the heater box moving down the road . . . it won't be a huge volume of air, but if it's 100 degrees going in, you can bet it'll be even hotter coming out!  Now if we could just figure out how to get 'em to put out that kind of heat in the winter . . .   :lol:

Offline ASBug

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Where do you plug the heater?

« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2009, 04:40:24 PM »
Perhaps I should have mentioned that the flap on the passenger's rear was out and the cables were disconnected to the main heat shut off. The main heat was open and the back plastic vent casing DID melt and distort into a mess.  Any way, I AGREE with Ret. Tech in that the Heat echangers should be replaced.  I did mine and love the heat.  New door seals will help as well. I know it is getting close to 70 deg. now, but winter will be here one day.
Take care and maybe the "heated" words can all stop now. :lol:

Offline certdubtech

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Where do you plug the heater?

« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2009, 05:12:39 PM »
Perhaps, but was the last pun really necessary?


Offline certdubtech

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Where do you plug the heater?

« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2009, 05:14:53 PM »
That's it.... I guess i need to download some more pics of the cutaway so that Zen can work up some more explanatory offerings....

Nice job, man.... Those football commentators ain't got nuthin on you....

Offline Sfschaad

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Where do you plug the heater?

« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2009, 06:49:44 PM »
I slid under it when I got of work today and could see where the previous owner had used old coat hangers to rig the heat exchanger on all the time. When I unhooked them I was able cut off the heat. I used a heat shield exhaust tape I had left over from my motorcycle to help seal some of the leaks around the heat exchanger and it appears to have stopped almost all of the exhaust smell -heat. I appreciate everyones advice.

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Where do you plug the heater?

« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2009, 08:01:02 AM »
You can just about count on that 70% of the old Bugs/Vans have broken heater cables and the owners have "wired" them on during cold weather. Mostly because the tubes that the cables run though are rusted up or stopped up with road "stuff". How to "fix ?  Thats another story. We will talk about this next fall.  It can be done about 90% of the time. :lol:

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