
Topic: Parking brake cable  (Read 4066 times)

Offline lndixon

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Parking brake cable

« on: August 25, 2015, 06:58:27 PM »
Hello, quick question. 1971 van. I'm working on the drum brakes. Where the parking brake cable goes through the dust shield. How does the cable detach from the shield? I know I must be missing something here. I have put plenty of oil on it and have broken it loose, I just can get it off. Any solutions, comments and funnies would be helpful! Thanks. Lamar

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Re: Parking brake cable

« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2015, 08:07:27 PM »
I believe the tube that protects the cable fits inside the hole in the backing plate. Sometimes they get rusted in place and need to get knocked out with a hammer and a punch. Once it's loose, you have to pull in the middle and wrestle it out of the backing plate and off of the end of the metal tube that comes off of the chassis.

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Re: Parking brake cable

« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2015, 09:20:29 PM »
I believe the tube that protects the cable fits inside the hole in the backing plate. Sometimes they get rusted in place and need to get knocked out with a hammer and a punch.

Several years ago I replaced the parking brake cables on Homer the Super Bus (1973 Transporter).  The driver's side cable had been spliced . . . at some time in the past, someone had cut about 6 inches out of the tube and spliced half of the old cable onto half a new cable.  I had known for years it was like that and just figured it had broke and someone rigged it up with stuff they had laying around . . . but when I went to install new cables I figured out why it was spliced.  The end that went into the backing plate was stuck tight.  It might as well have been welded in place.  It took a lot of PB-Blaster, a lot of heat, a lot of hard blows from a 3 pound hammer and twisting and turning with a big set of vice-grips before it finally turned loose.  I cleaned the hole up with some fine sandpaper and coated it anti-seize before I put the new cable in.

Offline lndixon

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Re: Parking brake cable

« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2015, 10:53:37 AM »
I can hold on to it with vise grips and it twist/turns pretty easy. It seems as though it has a lip on the inside that keeps it from being pulled out. The cable is still in place. I guess I could remount the backing plate and use air hammer or shop hammer to build a little character

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