
Topic: Help with Slow Starter  (Read 230380 times)


Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #675 on: May 28, 2007, 11:10:17 AM »
Quote from: "Ret.Bugtech"
I want to see that set up also.  Try to get a pic under the fender and under the hood. I don't think I would be messing that 22mm nut until I saw what it is holding together. This nut on a normal strut is under a lot of tention and if you take it off without a spring compressor( with the strut off the car) more than likely the spring, upper strut support and a good portion of your face will pass the space shuttle. If you take it off while the strut is still on the car, you will never get it back on and you trying to wiggle the strut out will more than likely get you hurt also.
       LEAVE IT ALONE for now Please until we see what you have. :roll:

Especially with all the weight in the front of that Fat Chick!

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #676 on: May 28, 2007, 04:00:51 PM »
this is how low i got Stupie.   Drives like a tank or maybe a shrimp boat

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #677 on: May 28, 2007, 04:07:51 PM »
Here is what is under the Hood.  If I get in a wreck and the hood flys open.  Look out and Duck!   SC

Bugtech,  I could not get a good shot of the shock, it has a plastic cover and its inside the spring and Im lazy SC

Bugtech, thanks for the concern about those big springs. You probaly saved my Life.  I have never messed with shocks or springs so I'm a bit Naive.  

Oh By the way.  I don't think weights reduce the front end shimies so I'm gonna take all the weights out  maybe I should lift them.  get in shape .  LOL  SC

Offline Smelly_Cat

Dumb Bells

« Reply #678 on: May 30, 2007, 05:38:11 PM »
I pulled my shoulder turning the steering wheel while backing into a parking space,  Or I hurt it playing drums.  I dont know.  So anyway,  I unloaded the 200lbs +  from the hood of Stupie this Morning.  

 Boing.  The body levitated 3 inches over the tires.  I'm David Copperfield and the levitating beetle.  

The bright side is its like I have VW power steering now .  The dark side is the shimmys start up at about 42 mph from 48 when the weights were in there.  

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #679 on: August 08, 2007, 07:03:03 AM »
The heat of August  got to me.  I was out working on Stupie Sunday.  the bank Temp at 5:00 was 102.    I tried to replace the dryer switch but found out the switch I got  was an always on and went off when you flipped it.    So that was a bust.  then I took the switch apart cause I thought I could turn it into a always off ,  momentary on.  But it broke and I started to get heat stroke.  so I threw it in the general area of the garbage cans.  

I had all the horn chrome removed and put that back on ,  But my hands got sweaty and I dropped all the springs and screws on the floor board.  Since I did not have any carpet they all bounced around everywere so I had to take all the seats out to find them.  

At Bugapalooza I got a  emergency brake lever and put that  on.   Whoopee.  I had been using a redwood block to hold the E-Brake on for the last 2 years.   I'm gona miss that  redwood.  Maybe I'll whittle something out of it.

THe Dryer switch for the Starter has been about 20 feet of wire going from the battery to the dryer switch to the starter,  no fuse just,  SC engineering.
I tried to figure out how the wires go to the 8 buck ignition key I bought,  but  it is whack or I'm not smart enough.  I did rewire the switch so it  is under the dash and I think it is going through a fuse...maybe.   Now when I get the good fortune of having a passenger they dont have to worry  getting thier feet tangled up  in the starter wires and burning tto death should an unexplained fire  spontanously  combust

Whew.  What along Post....  Not  done yet though...

Back to the E brake,  SInce I put the new lever in,   WHile I was driving to work .  I can go about a half mile and never use  the foot brakes.  when I did reach the stop sign,  AGGGGGHHHHH, no brakes.... Quick   pump pump pump... then   stop.  That can really wake a dude up on a monday morning   Evidently when you change the E-Brake lever ,  Maybe you should  reset the little star wheels in the back brake shoes

Talked with Zen at Bilo Monday

Monday evening , under the car,  trying to figure out  which way  to spin the spur gears and why there are so many mosquitos under Stupie..  Brakes a a bit better now.  I can't wait to try them out today.   SC

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #680 on: August 08, 2007, 08:15:16 AM »
Tip ,   When looking at the backing plate from under the car, remember right hole UP ,left hole DOWN to tighten up on your "Binders" ( old 1920's term)

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #681 on: August 08, 2007, 05:45:34 PM »
Thanks Bugtech,  This morning I Tried out the brakes.
 I Thought I tightend  them.  Nope.. maybe a little better, but worse than Before the new brake lever.    I will probaly get a chance to do the Binders  Thursday.  

I am geting tired of the shimmys.  On the left side near were the fuel line goes in the tunnel.  there is a steering arm  that just pivots.  It matches the arm that comes out the  steering box.  Whats that called?. Idler? Pitman?,  Can i change it myself.  I think it is shot/  SC

Offline Zen

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #682 on: August 08, 2007, 10:28:14 PM »
Quote from: "Smelly_Cat"
On the left side near were the fuel line goes in the tunnel.  there is a steering arm  that just pivots.  It matches the arm that comes out the  steering box.  Whats that called?. Idler? Pitman?,  Can i change it myself.  I think it is shot/  SC

Yep, it's shot!  They came from the factory shot.  :wink:  There is a replaceable bushing in there . . . not too hard to change . . . stock one is rubber . . . with the help of a friend, we made and installed brass bushings in place of the stock rubber bushing on my son's '74 Stuper.  That was 11 or 12 years ago and it's still holding up fine.

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #683 on: August 09, 2007, 06:49:12 PM »
Thx Zen Ill. give that lever a overhaul
right hole up.     left hole  cant move it.  I want to spray wd40 in there but I think that is a bad Idea.   DId I mention how awkward trying to hammer a punch on the spur to jar to free is.  Crikey

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #684 on: August 10, 2007, 08:13:29 AM »
Off with the drum and shoes !!    Knock the adjusters out of the backing plate. You can free them up with a little heat or replace them. Just one "hung-up" adjuster can effect the whole system belive it or not. Just be sure to lube up the threads and the star-wheels where they go into the backing plate. You should be able to spin them with your fingers at that point.

Offline VWGirl

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #685 on: August 10, 2007, 10:37:31 AM »
is the always on dryer switch what you are using from an ignition switch?

how i did it in FL back in the day was a nice chrome push button (also had one for the horn! so you had to know what is what!) and a toggle switch (the green one was for ignition and the blue was the wipers!) so you had to know which toggle switch to turn on in order to provide power to the ignition switch and then once it was on you pressed the chrome button until it started and then let off the button!

worked great until i smashed the car :(

does that make me worthy of the triangle yet? :lol:

or my duct taped gas pedal on my bus perhaps?

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #686 on: August 10, 2007, 12:26:24 PM »
After looking at the absolute debacle of what was left of the electrical system of my Allison buggy, I have just about decided to use high quality toggles, push buttons etc,etc because of the high cost of replacement "goodies" and to make things much more simple to deal with.  This ain't no Duesenburg. :lol:

Offline Zen

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #687 on: August 10, 2007, 05:52:06 PM »
When Kyle and I went to Pull-A-Part in Atlanta (cool junk yards, by the way . . . ) a few months ago, I pulled some relays out of a Reatta they had on the lot.  I think they were 50 cents each.  The other day I used one of them to fix my fuel pump problems on the Dasher once and for all.  I ran a heavy gauge wire from the + battery connector, through a fuse holder with a 15 amp spade type fuse and then to the relay.  From the relay, I ran a wire to the hot side of the fuel pump.  Then wired the control side of the relay to switch the relay from the hot side of the coil.  None of it is factory, but it works the factory system was meant to work . . . but no longer did.  Now I don't have to worry about turning the fuel pump on before I start it . . . or worse, forget to shut it off when I turn the car off.  Germans are very smart engineers . . . but sometimes so smart they don't see the simple solution to a problem . . . especially when it comes to electrical stuff.  There is nothing wrong with a little "triangle" engineering from time to time.  Keep your mind opened to everything around you for a source of parts and you'll be amazed at what you can make move down the road under it's own power!  :wink:

Offline VWGirl

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #688 on: August 10, 2007, 09:34:51 PM »
i got some parts from there when i blew my headgasket in atlanta a few years ago... was a really nice place, i think there is one on the north side and one on the south?

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #689 on: August 11, 2007, 05:10:34 AM »
Vwgirl.  the starter switch I preferr is an always off / momentary on from a GE Dryer model 6794L2.  

Bugtech, Amazingly,  the big axle nut came off with my Monkey wrench.  I love that pipe wrench.,   The binder  was froze,  I probaly helped freeze it when I used a punch and a hammer on it.  But its off and I think I deformed it a bit and need to file the side smoother.   The Police  stopped at my house , " not the ones that sing "Roxanne",  while I was standing around figuring what to do to Stupie.  I figured "UhhOH..what did the kids do this time?"  He thought  I had called him since no other fool was outside at 5:30 in this heat.   Nope .  This fool was. All I need is a cool beer and and a broke bug , and I'm outside.  I've been a good citizen lately and so he went to the Different house

Zen,  Im going to look for a Idler Bushing .. If that is what its called , on the net today.   SC

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