
Topic: Help with Slow Starter  (Read 230390 times)

Offline Jason

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #615 on: September 25, 2006, 10:28:08 PM »
Got to love those wonderful VWs.

Offline Zen

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #616 on: September 26, 2006, 11:48:07 PM »
At last month's meeting one of our members brought in a home-made trophy that consisted of a wooden plaque with an oil can and a spoon mounted on it (long story . . . don't have time to explain it right now).  Anyway the trophy is for the best VW story that someone can tell (has to be "mostly" true) about something that happened since the last meeting.  The winner is supposed to take the trophy, add something related to their story to it, and bring it back to the next meeting.  I won it at the last meeting.  I don't want to win it every time.  SC . . . PLEASE come to our next meeting!   8)

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #617 on: September 29, 2006, 05:38:40 PM »
Yes Zen ,  I will make an efort to make the next meeting.

Here is a question.   When I start Stupie in the morning and have the gear in neutral and the clutch out.   Stupie begins moving.  What kind of malfuntion makes a car drive in neutral?

Offline Bugnut

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #618 on: September 29, 2006, 07:27:47 PM »
I know i will regret this...adjust your clutch cable. Give it a couple turns till it stops doing that.

Offline Zen

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #619 on: October 02, 2006, 12:22:55 AM »
Quote from: "Smelly_Cat"
What kind of malfuntion makes a car drive in neutral?

REALLY THICK, COLD, DIRTY gear oil maybe???   :-k    :?

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #620 on: October 02, 2006, 09:20:26 PM »
Oh ya that might do it.   Here is another thought.   What about using Lucas oil to stop VW leaks.  ANy body have any luck with after market stuff to plog up oil drips

Offline Jason

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #621 on: October 02, 2006, 09:27:08 PM »
It's a Volkswagon if oil DRIPS is all you've got your doing good

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #622 on: October 02, 2006, 10:48:18 PM »
COULD  BE REALLY THICK, COLD, DIRTY  gear oil.  Is there a echo in here ?
      Is it normal after it warms up a bit ?
      A little oil on the clutch disc can do it.( disc sticking to the flywheel)
      No lube on the needle bearing in flywheel gland nut , but this should make a little noise and most of the time does not go away.
             STANDING BY !

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #623 on: October 03, 2006, 08:22:28 AM »
S.C.  Forget the b.s. about sticky disc and flywheel nuts.  I don't know what in the hell I was thinking about.
      Super thick lube in the tranny is about all that can cause that problem or the lack of lube .   Your tranny is what we call a constant mesh gear box. Everything is turning all the time even in neutral.  The tranny will act like a big torque converter if the lube is really thick or the gear train is trying to lock together due to lack of lube on shaft bearings. The tranny should sound like a siren if the lube is about gone.
      This is kind of hard to explane with out show and tell. Bottom line is to check or change the fluid.  80-90 W  gear lube please.
      The clutch adjustment has nothing to do with this.

Offline letsbuggy

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #624 on: October 03, 2006, 05:16:51 PM »
gear lube i agree when i first got my buggy in winter would pull it self across garadge floor about a foot or so changed that and now when its cold it will rock when reved up.

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #625 on: October 03, 2006, 07:57:06 PM »
I got a new used blinker relay.  its real neat and I replaced my melted relay.

Now I have the left front blinker working.  When I switch it right,  a buzzer noise happens that makes me think I got a short and that I'm melting my new relay

I guess I need to yank the steer wheel off and see what is going on in there.  WaHoo   SC

Offline Jason

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #626 on: October 03, 2006, 08:37:31 PM »
Quote from: "Smelly_Cat"

I guess I need to yank the steer wheel off and see what is going on in there.  WaHoo   SC

 [-o< Help Him Lord [-o<

Offline certdubtech

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #627 on: October 03, 2006, 10:13:20 PM »
S.C...what David said, then the following:  I worked for 6+ years in the parts business.  We sold Lucas additives.  All seemed to work well and, while the Auto trans. additive seemed to help with leaks, never really saw that with the man. trans. mainly helped with those worn, whining, growling noises.  Further, this stuff is THICK.  My guess is that if you had a full size truck that had a rear end on its last leg, be my guest.  However, because it is so thick, I don't know that a cold engine coupled with a cold transaxle would be able to hold an idle in the winter time if you used it in a bug.
How thick is it?  If you've ever used STP oil additive, that's pretty close.
Stick with 80w90 gear oil, like bugtech said.

About that noise, if your relay is crapping out, they can sometimes buzz when you hit the turn signal.  try tapping the relay and see if the noise goes away and the blinkers start blinking.  Also, if your turn signal lights come on but don't flash, this could also sometimes be caused by a corroded bulb base/socket.
...Or a bad switch...or a bad ground....or a bad connection....
Try twisting the fuses in the panel...don't remove them, just turn them on the little prongs they rest on.  I've fixed a bunch of weird lighting stuff over the years with that one...they build up corrosion on the tip of the fuse and by rotating the fuse, you polish the little corroded bumps off of them.  Good luck.

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #628 on: October 04, 2006, 08:19:08 AM »
Oh !  Do you want to stop oil leaks ?   Really ?  I belive they call the cure for such things  Seals and Gaskets.
     I will be glad when Ronco or Orange- Glo  comes out with a bottle of
" Insant Rod and Main Bearing" or even better yet  "Wiring Harness" in a spray can.  What do you think ?

Offline Jason

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #629 on: October 04, 2006, 08:30:54 AM »
What that old saying ( If it's a VW and it's not leaking oil it probley don't have any in it. )

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