
Topic: Help with Slow Starter  (Read 230462 times)

Offline letsbuggy

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #540 on: August 02, 2006, 11:48:06 PM »
a couple of things one on the  cable install why did u have problem getting it through fan shroud is there no tube on yours.  second thing on the fuel prob my buggy did the same thing after 5 or so gallons of gas. mine would do the same thing and i found the screan on the pick up tube in the bottom fo the tank was clogged with 30+ years of rust.

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #541 on: August 03, 2006, 08:44:40 AM »
SC, You must have been ducking down when we talked about "Great Flapping Things"  This is a generic term used in conjuction with Thingys, crap or any other object we find floating,crawling,flying around in areas where we would not normaly see them.
  Has it ever crossed your mind to have your fuel tank cleaned out ?  I can't blame you if you don't want to. Stuper Beetle tanks are so much fun to pull.
  Just because you wiggled a wire on your engine doesn't mean you tuned it up. "Triangle" tune- ups are a lot like Mexican tune-ups. Proper tune-ups are when you replace things like plugs,points/cond., adj. valves, maybe plug wires and any other little things that need attention ALL at the same time. Its amazing what you can cure !! :roll:

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #542 on: August 03, 2006, 01:36:23 PM »
Lets buggy,  I did not have  a pipe thru the fan shroud .  that is probaly an option on the Delux.    I think you may be on to something,  there is this sneaky little screen thing inside  the tank that was complete encased in tar.  I scrapped and soaked and appeared to clean it but I bet I should have replaced it.   I love that tank, either it leaks gas, runs out of gas, or  it wont give me any gas.  By the way,  it conked out this morning and at lunch.

Bugtech,  I am thinking on maybe getting some points. and plugs,  If i'm real good Santa might put some in my stocking this year.  The problem with points and plugs is that you have to install them.  what a hassle


Offline Ret.Bugtech

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #543 on: August 03, 2006, 04:44:31 PM »
What are you doing to get it started ?    You could take the fuel tap out and tear that screen off. You have enough filters to take care of any crap from the tank I would guess.
   Yea, It was always a profound revelaton when I found out that new parts work better after they were installed.
        :roll:  :roll: [/i]

Offline VWGirl

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #544 on: August 04, 2006, 09:54:05 AM »
Quote from: "Ret.Bugtech"
What are you doing to get it started ?    You could take the fuel tap out and tear that screen off. You have enough filters to take care of any crap from the tank I would guess.
   Yea, It was always a profound revelaton when I found out that new parts work better after they were installed.
        :roll:  :roll: [/i]

geez and all these years i thought i just had to buy the part and stick them on the shelf... no wonder things still don't work right :lol:

Offline Bugnut

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #545 on: August 04, 2006, 11:53:48 AM »
I thought they went in the glove box. Dangit.

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #546 on: August 04, 2006, 02:29:09 PM »
Are you sure you guys don't live in the "Triangle" ? :lol:

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #547 on: August 04, 2006, 06:05:37 PM »
I dont have a glove box to store things in,  I just have a hole to the trunk.
I have a bunch of parts that i just look at and don't install.  Lets see That brass coil that opend the air flappers in the dog house,  the tin that is under neat it,  the 4 or 6 screws that hold the gas tank in... gravity has worked well so far,  2 Left side running boards, anybody have a right side one?  By the way,  I have gone 2 days with out the phanotm loss of gas stall out problem. Me so happy.   SC

Offline copperjewel

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #548 on: August 05, 2006, 05:07:07 AM »
Parts?? We don't need no stinking parts!!!   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #549 on: August 05, 2006, 11:20:46 AM »
Im so sad.  I attacked that 4th muffler bolt today..  It was brutal.  Chisle flying,  13mm wrench twisting , hammers sparks, OUCH  scratched my knuckle..  It aint moving.

 Now its a 12.2 mm round edge nut.  I am looking for my vise grips but they are hiding somewere.  Here Vicy vicy,, come out come out... Should I try and drill little holes in it and peel it off the stud?  OR is a hacksaw a better plan of assault?   SC

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #550 on: August 05, 2006, 12:28:26 PM »
Hey what kind of points fit my superbeetle?

Do I have a late model? I'm late to work alot because i conk out abit,   maybe that is not what they are talking about.

These are the Bosch 044 points that fit the late modle VW and 009 distributors.

Does this sound like what I need to Buy?

they are $2.95 i that too much?


Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #551 on: August 06, 2006, 07:41:40 PM »
Bugtech  I decided to see what the sparkplugs look like.  I reached around to one by the oil cooler.   The sparkplug wire was not attached to clip part that holds the plug.  I wondered why I had such a slow idle.  Im going to invent a device that lets me know if the sparkplugs are working and the distributor is plugged up right...Maybe I'll make an audio  tape of what 4 cylinders firing sounds like.
It looks like I got bosch Platnum tips.  thanks previous owner.  SC

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #552 on: August 07, 2006, 09:08:32 AM »
You don't need to invent anything . Just skin about 1 inch of insulation off of a perfectly good plug wire, take a hose and wet your pants down, lean on the bumper, shall we say a little lower than your belt line and while the engine is running, grab the plug wire in your hand. You will instantly determine if your plug wire is firing :lol:  :lol:

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #553 on: August 07, 2006, 06:12:28 PM »
Do you know if the nuts that hold the muffler on should be replaced?,  Because of the exhause heat,  are they special or just hardware store quality,  I'm about to hack saw this last offending muffler nut.  

I ordered a gasket set and some boshe points. SC

Offline letsbuggy

  • georgia
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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #554 on: August 07, 2006, 10:11:29 PM »
i my self have brass nuts................................................................................they dont rust :lol:  :lol:  :D  :D

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