OK, SC . . . here's a couple of "Been There; Done That; Got the T-Shirt; Don't car to go back" tips:
1. You've actually got three choices here. Either buy the fire extinguisher, relocate your fuel filter, or buy a bag of marshmellows. I'd recommend placing the filter in the hose between the tank and the tunnel. Yeah, it's a pain to get at, but it's a bigger pain to fight gas fires in the "engine room." Trust me.
2. When you run out of gas, use the engine's vacuum to pull the gas from the tank to the carb. E-Z to do, but it requires a helper . . . or maybe a remote starter switch made from Kenmore parts. All you have to do is take off the breather and cup your hand over the carb so no air can get in, but without blocking off the vent pipe that goes into the carborator bowl. Have someone spin the engine. As it turns and sucks in air, it starts to create a vacuum in the intake 'cause you have your hand over the top of the carb. That vacuum pulls the air out of the carb bowl and in turn out of the fuel line . . . and all at once, gas is flowing into the carb and the pump should pick up and take it from there. Works like a charm. Done it lots of times.