
Topic: Help with Slow Starter  (Read 230532 times)

Offline Jason

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #465 on: May 11, 2006, 08:11:01 PM »
He is a city of Lafayette cop the #is 423-527-1626 it's a pager. His name is Kenny

Offline Zen

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #466 on: May 11, 2006, 10:04:02 PM »
Just drive through the triangle about lunch time with your stereo cranked up, speed through the square running a red light or two, do a donut and head back out of town.  Kenny will find you.   :lol:

Offline Jason

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #467 on: May 12, 2006, 07:38:05 AM »
When I meet him yesterday he said I should no you from somewhere. I had to remind him of all the parking lots he ran me off of as a teenager. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Offline Bugnut

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #468 on: May 12, 2006, 02:16:17 PM »
Yep I found em. You need a jungle penetrator to get em out.Didn't herb fly a Huey? :lol:
I don't see resurecting any of them but there might be a few parts here and there if you can get to it. I saw a set of popout windows and a few odds and ends but that would be about it. almost all were baha's so there goes everything.


Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #469 on: May 12, 2006, 05:45:02 PM »
Zen I take it you are working at an auto part's store?Or a vw parts store?I wish I new how to highlight the part of what was written then put it back into a new reply.How do you do this? :x

Offline Zen

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #470 on: May 12, 2006, 09:03:38 PM »
Quote from: "65dunebuggy"
Zen I take it you are working at an auto part's store?Or a vw parts store?

As much money as I've spent at Auto Zone and Advance Auto over the years I should own a few shares of stock but I don't.  Don't work at a parts store.  Never have.  I live at a mini-junk yard . . . do used parts count?

Quote from: "65dunebuggy"
I wish I new how to highlight the part of what was written then put it back into a new reply.How do you do this? :x

Find the post you want to "quote" and click the QUOTE button at the top right side of that post.  It will open a new reply to the topic and copy that whole post and put the necessary "tags" on it to make it show up as a quote. If you don't want to quote the whole post, delete out the extra text.


Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #471 on: May 12, 2006, 09:38:20 PM »
I'm just a dummy.Thanks for that info.The reason I asked about the part's store was I read you saying we sell bosch parts.Think that's what I read.

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #472 on: May 13, 2006, 10:04:32 AM »
The Stupor broke down on me Thursday. I was thinking that I could not remember when or how much gas I bought or used and decided that just in case, I would put 10 bucks in the tank.  Soon,  I was motoring again and on my way.  When I drove past the cemetary on 27,  the wheel pulled gently to the  right and the motor died.  I got the Ouijue Board out of the trunk and tried to contact the spirits to ask what they wanted now. I figured I had gave enough knuckle blood offerings from the vise grips slipping of 35 year old VW bolts that they would leave me alone for a while.  I guess not.  Using my vast storehouse of VW repair knowledge... I got nothing, but i did see that the fuel filter had no gas in it.
Put 3 gallons in 3 minutes ago, ran out of gas....It was 5pm.. rush hour in Lafayette, as you would expect, no cars on the road.  Quiet..Too Quiet.

I thought maybe there was a leaf or something in the tank that had clogged up the filter.  So I'm standing next to the beetle shaking it back in forth like a piggy bank with a nickel in it,    No nickel came out,.

So then,  I shook Stupor like a bad puppy that pooped on my carpet.  This time, i hear  squeaky wimpering suspension noises and a little gas squirted into the fuel filter. With this we lurch another 50 feet.   Now i'm in front of the Ford dealer.   Something ironic being broke down  out in front of a car dealer that makes you want to abandon you bug , walk right in, and pay sticker for a working car.   So.. as you can see, I'm no longer driving Stupie,  I got a 91 Ford Fiesta and the  payments are only $400 a month for 7 years.

No,  actually,  I learned that when you put your first tank of  gas in a bug that has had its previous gas evaporate to a sticky fossel substance, your fuel filter might be working overtime doing its filtering thing.  Using the  Field Repair manuel for kruppenwagens from WW2,  I pulled the gas line off the filter and using  my double lung air compressor,   blew out about a tablespoon of crappee for the filter.  Plugged it back together , Vroommm and made the last 2 miles to Casa de' Stupor.  
PS , I did have a pretty looking samariten stop and offer assistance.  Bugs, they do attract de ladies.  Not a bad day at all. SC

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #473 on: May 13, 2006, 11:01:43 AM »
A sticky fossel subtance ?  Maybe, just maybe its time to R&R what ever you are using for a fuel tank and maybe, just maybe clean it out. Just maybe though, or you could ride along with de Ladies with you. They make excellent compressors. Enough said. :wink:


Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #474 on: May 13, 2006, 11:34:03 AM »
Smelly cat. That was a good story.The way you worded it made me laugh my A-- off because I can imagine the situation.Good one! :lol:

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #475 on: May 19, 2006, 10:18:34 PM »
Hurray,  Its here..  after days of waiting for Fedx.  That Castaway movie with the plane going down with Tom Hanks comes to mind. But no.. it arrived.. Yes.. a box.  I opened it and found a brand new damper stablizer thing for the front end.  Could this be the part that lets me break the 40mph  speed barrier?  I hastely removed the old stablizer and notice that the the old one was skinny and the new one was fat on one end.  No matter,  I put it on anyway.  Yippee  off we go.  Me and Mrs SmellyCat. ..Her first Stupor Ride. . While driving she shouted "  Is it supposed to be this noisy?".  Anyway,  1st gear 2nd 3rd 4th.  Speed increasing   35,36,37,38,39,40,41,  could this be it.....42,43,44,45..  The steering wheel is shaking like it used to do at 35 but I'm goin 45!    ..whoopee   46,47,48,49,50,   Holy Smoke.  Faster than a speeding moped.  The steering wheel is starting to shake a bit more, but keep in mind,  I don't have the 125 pounds of free weights I put in the spare tire well as ballast.  I did buy a rubber stablizer bushing thing but after trying to squeeze/pop the old one off.  I threw it in the trunk. $1.95 down the drain.   So here is my question.  did I install a the wrong stablizer?   Does my Stupor need the skinny one or does it matter?  SC

Offline Zen

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #476 on: May 20, 2006, 09:10:04 AM »
I'm pretty sure that the only thing a Stuper Beetle damper fits is a Stuper Beetle . . . if the damper fits, you must aquit . . . no, that's not the saying I was looking for . . . if the damper fits, wear it.  Close enough.  I doubt that VW is still making that damper, so chances are the one you bought is aftermarket.  Since VW designed them to go a brand new car and the aftermarket manufacturer is producing them for 30+ year old cars, the aftermarket is probably a heavy duty unit.

Check your wheels for "radial runout" . . . in other words, make sure the rim is round and straight.  A Stuper can't tolerate much runout.  All you have to do is jack up the front and spin the tire by hand.  If you can detect any wobble with your eye, it's got way too much and you'll need to replace the wheel with a perfectly straight one (if it's not too bad, maybe you can swap it with one of back wheels . . . the back isn't as critical).  Make sure your tires are perfecty ballanced . . . you need to find a shop with the equipment to spin ballance them on the car so it balances your brake drum as well.  After that, you are out of "easy" fixes . . . it's time to start tearing the front end apart and replacing worn out parts . . . and trust me, there are some worn out parts on it.  Stupers left the factory with worn out parts on the front end.    :lol:

Of course, we don't want you to fix this thing too good . . . If you could drive it 55 with no issues, you would be on the road 24/7 and we would never hear from you!   8)

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #477 on: May 20, 2006, 10:08:42 AM »
SC,If you could get the car up on a lift or jack it high enough , you could start shaking the wheels back and forth to see whats loose or worn. Those front ends have to be just about perfect (rare) to not wobble
 Like Zen said , Stuper Beetles came with "shakes/wobbles"  pre-installed just waiting to be released in time.
  The bad thing about letting the "shakes" go on is that it will more than likely will speed up the process of wearing all the "good stuff" out if it has any" good stuff" left.
   Alignment is critical,but why do it if you have a bunch of worn out parts. You just about have to fix everything at one time to get what you want.  :roll:


Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #478 on: May 20, 2006, 11:58:31 AM »
Which brings the subject up that oj got off scott free and everyone knows it and nothing can be done.I think on that day my mouth it the floor when the judge said not guilty.Boy I wish I had ya'll around to look at mine.Mine has a toe end problem that no one is able to fix.They adjusted it as far as it can be done is what they say. This is an alignment shop that has been doing it for 50 years.What I need to do is have it all ripped out and startover.One day I will when Bug Techs money tree grows a little more. lol When I get the $ I want to buy a new set of brake drums all around and have them powder coated.What is the cost of that compared to having disc brakes put on.Mine seems to stop very well now but maybe I just need to have them sandblasted.coated and put back on.Any ideas for later?

Offline 71SuperBee

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #479 on: May 20, 2006, 12:37:52 PM »
Smelly, I have been wanderin about you. I myself as we know have a super! And here is what I would reccomend replacing or checkin ok? And on the damper bushing, do this, take a hammer and a screw driver and with the damper bolt out beat out the old one. Then take the new one put some grease on it and take the bolt and tighten it through the new bushing then lightly "tap" the bottom of the head of the bolt and push and it will pop in there, Believe me I have done this also. Let me know don't throw the bushing away that thing helped me steer better and took alot of the shake out of it, "believe it or not!!!"

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