
Topic: Help with Slow Starter  (Read 230549 times)

Offline Zen

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #450 on: April 30, 2006, 11:29:09 AM »
Quote from: "67bugnut"
Maybe the triangle ain't so bad. :shock:

Or maybe we're just expanding our teritory.  Once we've infiltrated your side of East Ridge, we'll be within striking distance of the Godfather.  When we capture his supply of Dasher parts he will no longer be able to subdue us and world of air-cooled Volkswagens will never be the same.  Soon you'll see motorcycle gas tanks strapped to the tops of all bugs . . . all air-cooled engines will be running 009s with burnt and misadjusted points, all parking brakes will consist of a couple of short 4 X 4's, and every time an engine misfires you'll see someone popping an engine lid and twisting everything in the engine compartment that will turn.  Generator belts will also become optional equipment.  So will brakes.  Every back yard will hold at least 4 non-running VWs and enough parts to "almost" build a 5th one.  Our name will have to change from the LaFayette Triangle to the Tri-State Triangle . . . yep, we've got our sites set on the great state of Alabama as well!

Hummmm . . . on second thought, maybe it's best we let the Godfather keep us in line.     :wink:

Offline Bugnut

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #451 on: April 30, 2006, 02:35:17 PM »
Well you'll have to cross the ridge and that's some dangerous territory and some of them snooty folks still got cannons in the front yard! As for East Ridge the populations pretty old and would offer little resistance.

Offline Jason

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #452 on: May 01, 2006, 08:35:08 AM »
Zen who is going to be the Suicide driver thats going to drive the VW Bus over the Alabama state line. I think we can get thru Summerville Ga to cross on over to Alabama with no trouble

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #453 on: May 01, 2006, 08:45:29 AM »
We are just going to have to do something about our borders. First it was the Hispanics and now we are going to have to deal with the "Trianglenic"
 Maybe we can block all the roads at the Tn. Ga. line with Old Dashers. We don't have to worry about "Trianglenics" going across country because there is no phones, fuel or tow services in the area. We already know they never carry more than 1 gal. of fuel at any giving time and most of that fuel will either leak out or go up in flames before they can get to the border.
   I think if the "Trianglenic" want access to Tn. ,they are going to have to learn to speak VW.  No more "Thingys, dolollies, flapping things, square or round watcha-ma-call its. Where is Gen Sherman now that we need him. 8)

Offline Bugnut

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #454 on: May 01, 2006, 08:52:00 AM »
I think a stategic placing of the dasher launcher in East Ridge may prevent enemy movement along the most probable avenues of approach.
Maybe we should go into a dasher missle defense system or look into more medium ranged options that could launch from as deep as Brainerd. :lol:

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #455 on: May 01, 2006, 09:29:17 AM »
If from Brainerd, We would have to launch Dasher GTs (Greater Trajectory)

Offline Zen

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #456 on: May 01, 2006, 06:07:57 PM »
Quote from: "Jason"
Zen who is going to be the Suicide driver thats going to drive the VW Bus over the Alabama state line. I think we can get thru Summerville Ga to cross on over to Alabama with no trouble

I-59 is the best Bus route into AL.  I've done it a time or two.  You cross over out of GA into the State of Dade, and sneak across the line while they aren't looking.  But you have to be careful, cause them thar TN boys will sneak down into the State of Dade and try to ambush you.  Once I had a bunch from TN hot on my trail just as I crossed into AL and I had to unleash my secret weapon . . . the old drop your oil plug and dump your oil on 'em trick . . . stopped 'em dead in their tracks.  The only problem was it stopped me too.  Then I had to talk one of them into going back into the State Dade and buying me some more oil . . . well, actually, it was Kyle that went after the oil (He's from Ringgold) . . . the bunch from TN was to busy trying to wipe the oil off their windshields!   :lol:   By the way, did you know a Beetle lug bolt has the same threads as an oil plug?  But, they are too long . . . you need a couple of thick rubber seals out of a tractor/trailer air hookup to space it out right and seal it off.

Anyway . . . as I was saying . . . what was I saying anyway?   :?   My memory hadsn't been the same since that last time I got warped in the head with the rear bumper off a Dasher.   :lol:

Offline Bugnut

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #457 on: May 01, 2006, 09:03:33 PM »
Carefull I got land in dade too!  :wink:

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #458 on: May 06, 2006, 06:42:02 PM »
I got carpal tunnel trying to drive over 45 mph.  I've decided to  start working out so I  can muscle the steering wheel when I drive.  I unhooked the steering  shock absorber.  It seems to have restance when you push it  in and out.  It feels like the resistance get bigger when you push all the way in or all the way out. In the middle of the stroke,  were you probaly drive at,  resistance is ..not so much.  Is this shock thing proportional?  or is it supposed to have the same pressure through out?


Offline Zen

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #459 on: May 06, 2006, 10:11:30 PM »
It sounds like your damper has leaked out a little of it's oil and it's been replaced with a little air.  It's a hydraulic unit, so just like having air in your brakes, you gott'a compress the air before the hydraulics can do their job.  You need to replace it.

While we are on the subject of the Super Beetle Shimmies I'll share what I've learned (mostly the hard way) . . .

First thing you want to do is check every part of the steering and suspension system for wear and tear (and bend and breaks).  If you are not positive that a part is perfect condition, you probably need to replace it.  Even it you are sure it's good, you might want to replace it anyway.  Don't worry, there isn't much to the front suspension of a Super Beetle.  That may be why everything has to be perfect.   :wink:

When everything is perfect, take it a good alignment shop and have them do a 4 wheel alignment (yes, there is an alignment setting on the rear wheels and if it's off, your car will not go down the road straight . . . get behind my son's Super Beetle sometime and you'll see what I mean  :wink: ).  Make sure your wheels are perfectly straight and perfectly round.  A wheel that might roll OK on a standard Beetle could beat you to death on Super.  The wheels have to be perfect.  Then put good tires on them and make sure they are ballanced.  If you can find a shop that will spin ballance them on the car, that's the best way to do it . . . but the last time I saw the machine to do that I was taking Auto Mechanics at Walker Tech . . . that was during the Carter Adminstration.

Anything you fix will probably help, but the only cure for the "Super Beetle Shimmies" is to fix EVERYTHING (or drive faster . . . sometimes the Shimmies will go away when you get over 55 or 60 . . . depends on what's wrong though . . .  sometimes they just keep getting worse as you speed up.)   8)

Here's a list of things you might need to replace:

The strut inserts, strut mounts, and strut bearings.  Once a wheel tries to bounce once for any reason (bump, pothole, etc.), without good struts to stop the motion, your car will do down the road dribbling the front tires instead of rolling on them!  SAFETY WARNING -- DO NOT take the nut off the top of the strut insert until AFTER you have compressed the coil spring with a good set of coil spring compressors.  Failing to do this can be deadly.

Steering Damper and bushing.  If a tire hit something and trys to pull to the side, without the damper it will pull all of the play in the suspension to one side, then bounce back to the other then bounce back to the other and so on . . . the bounce will get harder, faster and more violent until you slow down and get control of it.  It COULD be that this is your only problem.  Probably not, but it would be a good place to start.

Ball Joints

The short shaft with universal joints on each end that goes between the steering collumn and steering gear.  I can't think of the "correct" name off the top of my head.  You have to have the gas tank out to get to it.

Bushings - Idler arm bushing, Control arm bushings, and sway bar bushings.  Don't even check these.  Go ahead and replace them.  Use the aftermarket urethane bushings instead of the stock rubber ones.  I recommend using the ones from Top Line Parts - I think they are at . . . That's what we put on Justin's 74 Super about 10 years ago and they are still like new.

If they are worn, those last three things (ball joints, the shaft and bushings) give your suspension free play . . . and once some bouncing gets started it's got room to keep bouncing no matter how good your struts and damper are.

Sorry to be so long winded again.  It took us about 2 years to get the front suspension right on Justin's Super.  Trying to save you a little time.   8)

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #460 on: May 08, 2006, 08:43:57 PM »
Zen,  Thanks for the info,  The car drives strait and does not pull at all.  It really behaves well up untill about 46 mph then the steer wheel starts shakin,  that's my signal to coast back to 43.  I can tell you the shocks are crappee~ They are air shocks and the little black air hose that connects to it is broke.  Bugtech said they are toast

For the biggest bang for the buck,  the damper seems like the an anti shaker dohicky.  Plus it looks easy to take off.    That is 2 plus's.
I looked at all the steering pipes and connectors and basically. I can't tell a thing.  I always follow  this time tested  motto: "When the car starts shaken, you best be a braken"   SC

I went Shooping at Goodwill Sat and when I got out of my bug,  The law was behind me and motioned me to come over.  "What seems to be the problem officer?  I figured it was the 10 stop signs I rolled thru or maybe that brake light wire came off again.   Any way he was cool and said he 6 VW's bodys and things for sale and asked me if could tell the VW gang
about  it.   He had a dunebuggy shell too, no motor or tranny's .  I'll post his number later I left it in the Stupor

Offline Zen

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #461 on: May 08, 2006, 09:27:02 PM »
Quote from: "Smelly_Cat"
. . .The law was behind me and motioned me to come over.  "What seems to be the problem officer?  I figured it was the 10 stop signs I rolled thru or maybe that brake light wire came off again.   Any way he was cool and said he 6 VW's bodys and things for sale and asked me if could tell the VW gang about  it.  He had a dunebuggy shell too, no motor or tranny's.  I'll post his number later I left it in the Stupor

Was it Kenny Carathers???

Offline Jason

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #462 on: May 09, 2006, 10:18:07 AM »
WHAT!!!  :shock:  a VW gold mine in the triangle that I didn't know about. Wheres it at? Just give me a hint I WILL find it. :twisted:

Offline Bugnut

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #463 on: May 09, 2006, 07:56:17 PM »
I think we all need a serious mental evaluation. :lol:

Offline Bugnut

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #464 on: May 11, 2006, 07:02:52 PM »
I got the guys number from Jason but no answer from him.Anybody Got an address on this guy?

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