
Topic: Help with Slow Starter  (Read 230395 times)

Offline vwherb

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #255 on: October 22, 2005, 09:26:34 AM »
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

You guys and this thread is killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:  :lol:

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #256 on: October 22, 2005, 01:26:58 PM »
Heres the weekend  update,  I got a big fat carb gasket at Manly Auto for $1.98.  a bit more than I wanted to spend but what the heck.. I'm worth it.    So.. ok thats done.. and I slid the gasket and the old one under the carb.  The carb kind of wobbles on the manifold so this should be a good thing.

I felt so good about this repair,  I decided to check the valves on the left side because I could'nt remember ever setting them.  I have to set the valves a little fat because the smallest  feeler I got is .008 and I think the book says .006.  I set em and hope for the best.   Any body think .002 off on the valves matters any?   I took a drive to see if anything gets better.  I still can't hardly accelerate in 3rd gear and in 4th,  ferget about it unless you have a good downhill.  Any Ideas on my wimpy engine?

Oh,, By the way,  when I put the left valve cover on.  I must have goofed cause now I am dripping oil big time,  I'll reset the cover when the engine stops glowing and the smoke clears .   SC

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #257 on: November 01, 2005, 05:39:27 PM »
Any body think .002 off on the valves matters any? I don't have a .006 gauge,  just a .008


Offline Zen

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #258 on: November 02, 2005, 06:52:23 PM »
Quote from: "Smelly_Cat"
Any body think .002 off on the valves matters any? I don't have a .006 gauge,  just a .008

A snug .008 isn't far off a slightly loose .006.  If you set it snug on a .008 and you don't hear a lot of valve noise, I wouldn't worry too much about it UNTIL I got it on the road full time.  Sometime between now and then, buy a feeler gauge set.  AutoZone has (at leaste they did have) a cheap one with a .006 blade for under $3.  My favorite type of feeler gauge is a little more expensive (around $6 or $7) . . . it's a Go/No-Go guage.  The tips of the blades are one thickness and the rest are .002 thicker.  Set it with a .006 gauge, then check with the .005/.007 gauge.  If the .005 goes in loose but it stops when you hit the .007, you have to be pretty darn close!

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #259 on: November 23, 2005, 07:25:29 PM »
Thanks Zen for the valve info.  Its been a while since I posted.   I had to redo the brakes on my 83 Subaru, hoses on a 85 toyavan and  other asundry nuisances.  Now I'm back and I'm gonna fix this bug.

I still have wimpy brakes and the emergency brake only puts a light drag to my forward motions.  I might need a E-brake sometime so what the heck..  lets fix that thing.

I borrowed a bunch of huge sockets and a impact driver drill and a 4 foot Pipe  and and began jumping up and down on the bar attached to the socket wrench. Boing! Finally got the nuts off.  Those VW's  really don't want people working on the back wheels.  Kind of like how you goto to the Dentist and  open wide but your not so relaxed with the proctologist.    .   I can't get the the lugs of the wheel on the driver side so lets fix the passenger side for now.  The right side wheel cylinder is drooling, maybe it had a minor stroke?   I'll rip the cylinder out later and see if it is too rough inside for a kit.  maybe a parts store is open on Turkey day.  Hope everyone is well.  SC

Side note.  My friend Andy in Trion just sold a fixer upper 67 delux bus on MYSAMBA last week. it was red and white. he had it for $800.  He still has a ton of other parts he wants to sell.


Offline Zen

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #260 on: November 23, 2005, 10:44:54 PM »
I was driving home from work today and as I was passing Reeds Road for some reason I thought ( :shock:  Yeah, it shocked me too) to myself, "Self, I wonder what's happened to Smelly Cat?  Haven't heard a peep out of him in several weeks.  Maybe you need to take a spin around Emerald Acres and see if there is a big crater somewhere."  Then I thought ( :shock: Two thoughts in one day! WooHooo! ) "Naaa . . . he's just had other stuff going on and hasn't had time to work on the Stuper Beetle lately.  He'll probaby give us an update tonight."  So, two thoughts and a psychic vision in one afternoon . . .  :idea1: . . . it could only happen in the "triangle."   :wink:

I've had wheel cylinders that have had stokes before.   =P~   They usually can't recover . . . they just get worse and worse until you hit a tree.  Don't worry too much about fixing the emergency brake . . . trees will take care of that problem too.    :wink:

But seriously, I'd consider replacing BOTH rear wheel cylinders if one is drooling.  Replace your e-brake cables in pairs as well.  Heck, the drums are a pain in the rear end to take off . . . check out everything under them and fix any problems while your in there . . . brake shoes, e-brake cables, wheel bearings, wheel cylinders, wheel seals, the drums themselves . . . The only thing worse than having to pull a rear drum off once is having to pull it back off within a few weeks.  :x  ](*,)  #-o

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #261 on: November 24, 2005, 07:15:43 AM »
ALERT !!  Attention all EMTs , Fire Dept and the Media. Smellycat has broken free and is now attacking his brakes. We need all house wifes to put extra guards on their washers and dryers and report any missing items and parts from same. After serveral months of peace, I truly belive that the "Triangle" will once again become unstable. We want everyone to remain calm and we will try to work through this latest uprising together. [-o<  [-o<

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #262 on: November 25, 2005, 07:36:46 PM »
I'm not dueling in traffic till I find some seatbelts, EMS can stand down for a week of so.  I got rear brake cyl's at advance or autozone in Fort O for 9 bucks each!  I think that was a deal since the rebuild kit was 5 bucks..   Also saw Harry potter movie today and a bought a 1000 paintballs. I'll leave out my grocery shopping.  Since the existing pads have some tread on them , im going to clean and re-use.  Sorry Zen,   I did get the new cyl's so I took half your advice.  SC :roll:

Offline Zen

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #263 on: November 26, 2005, 08:12:34 AM »
Sorry Zen, I did get the new cyl's so I took half your advice. SC

 :lol:  That's OK SC, most of the time I only half take my advice too.  The rest of the time I ignore it.   :lol:

The main thing is that before you take off to "battle traffic," or steep hills for that matter, the brakes are working properly and aren't in danger of going out any second.  

I've got a diploma from VSHK@LT (Volkswagen School of Hard Knocks at the LaFayette Triangle) but their standards are pretty low.  I didn't really learn a lot in some of the courses I took, but after re-taking it several times over the years Brakes 101 finally sunk in.  The brakes have to work and have to be reliable.  Do whatever it takes to make that happen.  Sometimes it doesn't take much, sometimes it takes replacing everything . . . just make sure they work and they are reliable.

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #264 on: November 26, 2005, 01:05:20 PM »
I should have took 3/4 of your advice Zen.  I replaced the passenger side and washed the pads and put it back together.  I went to the driver side and could not get 3 of the lugs loose so I pulled the drum off still attached to the wheel.   The brakes on this side were toast.  the pads fell off the shoes and the cyl was drooling.   I had to go back an buy some shoes for  $12.  Darnit.  Now I have one side with new cyl and new shoes and the other  with a new cyl and old shoes.  Iye Yi Yi

Just for fun,  suppose you put a brake cyl together and forgot that spring  inside the cyl that goes between the plungers that pushes them apart.   What side effect migh occur?  

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #265 on: November 26, 2005, 01:13:21 PM »
Zen, I don't think SCs Bug will go fast enough to worry about "Binders" (vintage term) I think if he just turned into the "Triangles" prevailing winds his machine will come to a complete halt. I think his only consern would be to worry about getting hit in the "Stern Sheets" as he trys to launch his Bug into traffic down wind.  :lol:

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #266 on: November 26, 2005, 06:11:39 PM »
Whoopee,  I got a emergency brake.  I'll do some power slides later.
These darn mushy brakes are ticking me off.  I get a firm pedal with 3 pumps .   But the 1st pump goes to the floor.   What are the warning signs of a bad master Cyl.   Or do I just got air in thos lines/  SC

Offline Zen

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #267 on: November 27, 2005, 11:33:58 AM »
There are a lot things that could cause your problem.  Check the easy stuff first.

If you want to make sure you have all the air out of the system and that you don't have any bad hydraulic components, run the adjusters out so that all four wheels are locked up.  Now see what happens when you step on the pedal.  You should have a slight amount of free movement at the top of the pedal, but as soon as the rod contacts the piston in the master cylinder it should stop.  If you keep holding pressure on it, the pedal shouldn't go down.  If this is what you get, the problem was that you had the shoes backed too far off the drum.

When the rod hits the master cylinder pedal, if the pedal starts out feeling "mushy" but you can pump it up tight and it will hold pressure, you have air in the system.

If it hits and feels hard, but continues to travel down slowly when you hold it under pressure, you've got a bad hydraulic component . . . if you can't find any leaks, it's most likey your master cylinder.

Another problem to look for is no free play between the rod and the piston in the master cylinder.  Before you go adjusting anything there, make sure that you clean all dirt, rocks, pennys, carpet fragments, etc. from around the pedal stop.  After 30+ years, there's no telling what's packed down in there.  This junk will keep the pedal from coming all the way back up.

One last note . . . if you want ALL of the air out (and believe me, you do), pressure bleed it.  Look back a page or two in this thread for instructions.  Oh yeah, I haven't found a complete set of belts, but I'm still looking.

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #268 on: November 27, 2005, 11:52:16 AM »
SC, Before condemning your master cly, do this.  Make sure that your shoes are ajusted up to where you feel a slight drag (all 4 wheels). Bleed the system in this order for dual stage master clys (yours) :
       Rt. front
       Left front
       Rt. rear
       Left rear
 This info is from a factory bulletin we got at the dealership years ago
 You may have to go around the system a couple of times since it been parked awhile. Keep your eye on the reservoir and don't let it run dry while you are bleeding the system or you will have to start over again.
    Make sure that you are getting good fluid flow under pressure at all 4 wheels. If non of above works for you , you may be looking at replacing the master cly. As old as this car is , it would be wise to replace all flex hoses before they collapse or blow out. Been there,done that.

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #269 on: November 27, 2005, 01:15:33 PM »
Zen, I took an eighth of you bleeding advice.  Since I did not have a compressor,  I used a big red plastic beach float pump.  .  Using the miracle of duct tape, I  some how attached the hose to the top of the resevoir.    I Pumped and pumped and tried the pressure bleed and nothing happend,  then I felt a little silly trying to inflate my brake system so i gave up.

Bugtech, I figured out the front and back of the the bug but i have trouble with the sides.  Which side is the right?  If I sit in the drive seat, I guess the passenger side is the right side,.  If I sit on the hood facing the wind shield then  the drive side is the right side.  See how confusing this can be?  SC

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