
Topic: Help with Slow Starter  (Read 230383 times)

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #195 on: July 30, 2005, 12:10:05 PM »
Are there any VW parts store in Chatt?  SC

Offline Zen

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #196 on: July 30, 2005, 09:22:49 PM »
I saw some of the better adjustable tubes at the show in Montgomery today.  They were $8 each.  One as a quick patch until you can fix it right may make sense, but in the long run the only "fix" is pull the engine, pull the tin, pull the heads and check and stretch or replace the tubes and put in new seals.  If one or two are already leaking, chances are good that the others aren't far from failing as well.

Local VW parts sources:

In Chattanooga, you're only choice is Mainly Foreign Car Parts at the end of Rossville Blvd.  Go there KNOWING EXACTLY what you need and take LOTS AND LOTS of money.

There is a VW parts store in Cleveland, TN and another in Dalton, GA.  Both are cheaper than Mainly and the owner's of both of these stores know a good bit about VW parts.

Believe it or not, AL Johnson's VW Dealership in Dalton is one of the best and cheapest places in the area to get air-cooled VW parts.

Offline cindy

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #197 on: July 31, 2005, 02:09:47 PM »
Another good reason to go to the area VW shows.  Good vendors who will bring stuff to you that you need as they attend the shows in the area.  Isn't Tacoa the next show in September?  Always a good show with lots of vendors-both new and used!  


Offline vwherb

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #198 on: July 31, 2005, 03:14:11 PM »
I think the Brimingham Bug Blast is next the latter part of August but I'm not sure. :?

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #199 on: July 31, 2005, 05:32:33 PM »
Thanks for ths VW sources, I like the shows , but i wish they held them a wee bit closer.

 I'll have to schedule a road trip out from the Lafayette Triangle.

 The Judge said my 30 days are up and I can leave Walker County again  Ah.. Freedom..
 There is also a foreign auto in Downtown Dalton that I used to use.

Offline cindy

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #200 on: July 31, 2005, 08:20:34 PM »
You are right Herb, Birmingham is next. :)

Offline Zen

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #201 on: August 01, 2005, 12:10:03 AM »
Quote from: "Zen"
There is a VW parts store in Cleveland, TN and another in Dalton, GA. Both are cheaper than Mainly and the owner's of both of these stores know a good bit about VW parts.

Quote from: "Smelly_Cat"
There is also a foreign auto in Downtown Dalton that I used to use.

We are probably talking about the same place in Dalton.  I don't remember the name for sure . . . American Foreign maybe?  It's in one of the older buidings in the old part of town.

The Birmingham Bug Blast show is in late August.  I think the Southeastern Bug Fair (Tacoa) is early-mid September.  Both have good swap meets . . . Two years ago, I showed up at Tacoa Saturday afternoon stuck in 4th gear and a hole in the top of my #1 piston.  Sunday afternoon when the show was over I drove home with a new engine installed and all 4 gears at a total cost of about $450.  The best thing about the show was that when I showed up, I only had $60 and the only tool I had was one screwdriver . . . but I had LOTS of VW friends who were willing to lend me money, tools, elbow greese, go-jo, rags, etc., etc., etc.

You need to attend some shows.  You need to attend some before next April . . . but if you miss Bug-A-Paluza next April you will be forever band from the VW scene in the Scenic City Area.   :twisted:   You might even be booted out of the LaFayette Triangle.  :lol:  Schedule your vacation now if you need to.  No excuses excepted.  Check your local listings for times and dates.  Use at your own risk.  Offer void where prohibited and in all states begining with I or O.  Offer expires April 2006.   :hippy2:

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #202 on: August 02, 2005, 06:59:45 PM »
Ah bug a palozza,  I have attended 3 or 4 of those in Chatt,  This year i bought a hood latch and window handle.   Hey big spender.   My goal was this,  when I got the bug late March,   I thougt  i'd have it going by April for the show, but alas,   I ran in to a few  problems like,  motor "no run",  battery fell through floor,  braked line  squirting fluid,  gas tank full of tar balls, and a mouse to evict.  I may be able to swing by Dalton Wed  and I'll see if I can get a adj push rod tube.  S/C

Offline Gobusgo

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #203 on: August 03, 2005, 10:53:26 PM »
Has this thread broken some sort of Volks Folks forum record?  It's had like, over 200 replies to it.  
I sure hope that the starter is no longer slow... :lol:

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #204 on: August 05, 2005, 08:44:18 PM »
Dear Gobusgo,  I cant help it if I need alot of help and that the fine people at volksfolks keep giving me advice by the bucket full.  I hope there is not a limit to the number of posts,  but this bug is gonna need alot more advice if its going to win the bug-o-de-year trophy,, ok.. lets lower my ambition a bit,  lets say untill I drive it to Chattanooga.  

I got an adjustable push rod tube, 7 generator spacers and a fuel filter for  7 bucks  at the Dalton American/foriegn auto  store.  See if the internet can beat that.  I am pleased.  my total bug investment, including bug, is still under $400.  This Sat I will fix the massive push rod tube oil leak,  and with a wing and a prayer, drive my bug back in forth in my drive way 10 times.  if it does not explode, burn me alive, of crash through my living room,   I will gather my courage, kiss my family one last time  and ...... go around the block uninsured and un- license'ed.  lay your bets now.  s/c

Offline Zen

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #205 on: August 06, 2005, 12:24:17 AM »
I've got $10 on you making it! . . . eventually.   8)  This kind'a reminds me of another VW.

I was talking to Michael Jackson the other day at work.  He pulled his car trailer over to a farm outside of LaFayette about 8 or 9 years ago and helped me pull an old broken down bus from the spot in the old farmer's field where it had been resting for about 10 years since the farmer had won it in a poker game.  It was painted with army green house paint, had the engine tin cut away with tin snips, the right head was removed and there was only a little bit of the piston skirt left where the #1 piston used to be.  All 4 wheels were locked up solid.  It was full of trash, insects and rodents.  Michael was laughing at me spending $75 on it.

By the time we got it loaded and unloaded, 3 of the wheels had broken loose.  After I got it unloaded in the back yard I got rid of the rodents, insects and trash and pulled the remains of the type 4 engine out of it.  6 months later I sold it to Michael to get my $75 back.  He got the 4 wheel unlocked, went through the brakes and got them in working order and after modifying the engine bay, installed a type 1 engine.  He scrubbed it up good and put it up for sale for exactly what he had invested in it . . . $600.  One of our co-workers bought it and drove it daily for about the next 4 years.  He had to of put at least 50 thousand miles on it.  When he put it up for sale for $400, I had the cash available and jumped on it.

What Michael was saying the other day at work was how when he first saw it sitting in that farmer's field, he would have never believed that it would ever move under its own power.  Since then, Homer the Superbus has gone well over 100,000 miles.  

So when it comes to old air-cooled VWs, I've seen the dead come back to life.  Remember that old Beetle commercial from back in the 70s where the archeologists of the future dig up the old Beetle that had been buried for 100s of years . . . and it starts up when they turn the key?  The more I see these old way beyond hope cars come back to life, the more I believe that commercial will actually come to pass some day.  If that is possible, I have no reason to doubt that the Smelly Cat-Mobile will make a loop around Emerald Acres in the very near future.  8)

Just one question . . . who's gonn'a run along behind it with the gas can?  . . . Or did you finally get the gas line through the tunnel opened up?  OR . . . have you made that gas hose down the drip rail a permanent fix by duct-taping it down?

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #206 on: August 06, 2005, 11:03:42 AM »
Zen,  I gave up trying to clear out the bug fuel pipe,  It was giving me blisters,arthritis and a serious headache.  I think I compacted all the goo into a super glue like compound,  Every we I spray some carb cleaner and metamuesel  in there an hope it is loosing it up the blockage.

I took the rockers off and installed my new Plastice push rod tube and my leak is gone .I think.  or maybe I'm out of oil.  Note to self,  check oil.

Back to the gas system.  I have the real tank out and a 5 gallon red plastic gas can resting in its place.  then a electric fuel pump, then a steel line down the passenger side of the car attached to some evaporative control pipe that is already there. I don't want to be Tboned on the the passenger side ,  thats for sure.  Then I swag under the tranny to the metal pipe that goes to the engine.  TA DA.  Genius.  The problem is that my kid keeps taking the gas tank out to fill the lawnmower so sometimes im trying to start the car and there is no tank under the hood.  Maybe I'll see a another fuel tank for sale today , as it is the big HW27yardsale and all.   My VW tank has a bunch or golf ball sized tar balls in it that I have not figured out how to remove yet

Offline Gobusgo

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #207 on: August 07, 2005, 03:19:26 AM »
Dear Smelly_Cat,
I never know when to insert disclaimers to my posts.  Here it is...

"This post does not refer to anyone's level of mechanical expertise as being low or high, nor does it belittle the poster for the need of outside assistance.  This post is only to point out the fact that there is an overly high number of replies to the original post, possibly even more than has ever been recorded in Volks Folks forums history.  Although original posts refer to a certain subject, at times the replies and secondary questions veer off the main topic, sometimes even morphing into another topic altogether, which, although this morphing is not against any rules, it can sometimes be confusing.  Read this post at your own risk of blatant sarcasm.  If my brand of sarcasm varies from the brand of sarcasm rampant throughout this forum, then accept my apologies up front.  Please note that this post adds to the number of replies to the original post by one (1).  Caveat emptor.  Not valid in some parts of Hawaii, Minnesota, North Dakota, Puerto Rico, or all of Alabama.  Must be over 18 to purchase.  Limited warranty applies.  Ask for senior citizen discount.  Double coupons limited to $.50.  Open 24 hours.  If ingested, do not induce vomiting, but call your physician immediately.  Void if altered or defaced." 8-[

Offline 71SuperBee

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #208 on: August 07, 2005, 09:59:16 AM »
Hey smelly what is it that you need for your car now?? If you need a fuel tank  american foriegn has them for under 50.00.. Let me know..

   And fuel line is cheaper than trying to kill yourself man. lol   :lol:


Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #209 on: August 07, 2005, 06:23:08 PM »
Gobusgo,  I am empressed by you masterery of the english language and your concise and informative post.  I by no means take umbriage ( i wish I had spell check) of your observation to the number of posts to the  afore mentioned topic. I do feel special in some way,  but are at a loss to describe at this specifiv moment.

Today i was spending some quality time under the BUG and noticed a brass looking bolt on the driver side of the the motor. it had about a nickel's diameter,  Maybe oil was leaking out of it. I can't be sure. It was near were the motor touches the tranny.   Anybody know what it does?

Thanks for the word on a new tank.  I am unable to invest 50 bucks for a tank at this moment.  I do need a shop vac to suck these tar balls out,  I think our local car wash maybe in for a surprise .  SC

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