
Topic: Help with Slow Starter  (Read 230346 times)

Offline Zen

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Re: i tried to tap out the bushing it aint cooperating

« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2005, 07:17:56 PM »
Quote from: "Smelly_Cat"
Zen,  I got a m12 tap and ran the thing in.
I have bottomed out and the bushing aint moving yet
I seem to be boring through the bell housing now.   Do you recomend I get a M13 tap and try that?   Should I spray some oil in there?

Is the bushing spinning on the tap?  That's what it sounds like is going on.  If it's turning with the tap, it won't back out.  Take the handle off the tap and try locking some vice grips on it and see if you can pull it out.

Quote from: "Smelly_Cat"
Did you see me in the silver toyota van today when you got stuck at the light at the middle school?

I probably did, but I didn't know it was you.

Offline Jason

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2005, 10:06:49 PM »
You might not have a bushing in there. I just ran in to that. Take a bolt that is the same size as the shaft on your starter and see if it will slide in were the bushing should be. If it's tight it's in there. If you can move it up and down then I would bet theres not one in there.

Offline Zen

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2005, 07:08:18 PM »
If the M12 tap threaded into something, there's at least the remains of a bushing in there.  At some point in the past, a bushing could have gotten hot and gaulded to the shaft and spun in the housing . . . or someone could have run it until it wore all the way through the bushing.  Either of those could have slightly enlarged the hole in the tranny . . . that will cause a new bushing to be a little loose.  If the hole in the transaxle is damaged, you can run a starter for an autostick and you don't have to worry about the bushing.  The autostick starter is a little more powerfull too.  The downside is they don't grow on trees and one will set you back a few more $$$ than a standard starter.

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #18 on: April 22, 2005, 07:22:05 PM »
Zen,  i cant buy a starter that costs more than my car..... that would be un VW like.   I went and bummed two sizes of  "easy outs" tap things  from work .   But then a Genius came up with this idea of the century.  I have found a concrete lag bolt that you put in a concrete hole, turn the bolt.  it expands in the opening and maybe i can use this on the bushing and  "jerk it out"  The area I work in is a muddy swamp right now,  I'll get greasy,   but I draw the line when mud puddles are involved.
I'll wait to try it out Sat.  Thanks for thoughts.  Oh,  by the way I shopped for the bushing   Autozone 9.99  Advance 4.10,  O'hreillys   $1.58.  Unbelivable the price differences.  Band of thieves  CS

Offline Smelly_Cat

Picture of starter

« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2005, 10:08:34 AM »
I finally got a good look at the starter and the bushing.   It looks  to me like,   the starter is not the kind that uses the bushing.  I enclosed 2 pictures. What do you think?  am I missing something.  the diameter of the starter gear shaft is bigger than the bushing.   help  SC

pictures of starter and bushing

Offline Zen

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2005, 11:41:48 AM »
If there isn't a shaft sticking out passed the gear, it's an autostick starter.  It's probably on there for a reason (the bushing hole is probably damaged).  If that's the case, it's best to stay with an autostick starter.  They are more expensive and harder to find than a manual starter, so it may be best to have someone locally rebuild yours.

Here’s a couple of pictures that will help you see the difference between the two starters.

This one is a manual starter that must have the bushing:

This one is an autostick starter that has a self-supporting shaft and doesn’t need the bushing:

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2005, 12:30:09 PM »
Oh Boy !!    That auto-stick starter was also original to the 181 Thing. Not the best starter Bosch ever made. I had to replace mine from new in about 6 months.  The tranny had a bushing already installed so all I had to do was to bolt on a SR15X bug starter. I have found these Auto-Sticks on other 4 spd bugs.
  Like Zen said that starter was on there for a reason, but maybe that was the only one at hand at the time. I would look REAL close at the hole for the bush. and compare with the new bush you have and see if its anywhere close. I forgot what year we are dealing with here Dud!!  I take it the tranny is IRS ? :roll:

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2005, 12:50:12 PM »
The bushing hole in the housing does not have a bushing in it,  the little bushing i bought would fit in it.  I just have to pound it a little .   This little brass spacer is becoming a pain.

 I'm not sure what an IRS transmission is.  The tranny did help me with taxes so maybe it is IRS.  I'll take the starter apart again and grease up the gear mechanism and trouble shoot some.  

New question.   I am using a motorbike gas tank on the roof of my car to gravity feed the gas.  does the VW Carb need pressurized gas to run correcty.
The tank and gas lines and pump are all sticky with varnish..

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2005, 12:54:34 PM »
OK a 70 IRS. I must have had a brain fart . Keep your fingers crossed on the bushing hole. I have bored the bushing hole out on a badly wrecked hole and installed a 6 volt to 12 volt transition  brass bushing, but you will have to deal with pulling the engine. If you can do that yourselve you could save a dollar or two. Like Zen stated, Its not so much the cost of the A-S starter,but finding one. If you can find someone who can re-build a Bosch starter and make it work for 6 months I want his name. I guarantee he ain`t in Chattanooga :lol:

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #24 on: April 24, 2005, 01:20:58 PM »
Our post passed each other.  IRS means Independent Rear Suspendtion. You can see the rear axles turn. What starter are you  going to take apart?   If they all are "old used up starters" don`t waste your time. Sounds like you can install the bushing OK. Knock it tenderly in until its flush or just a "tad" further, Then go get a SR-15X BOSCH starter, Grease the end of the shaft good and bolt that Turkey on. End of problem.
    Your fuel system does not have to be pressurized. They do need to be vented. Im not sure about the "rig'" you have hooked up. With it way up in the air, the weight of the fuel might overcome the neetle/seat in the carb causing it to flood out. Why don`t you just clean your tank etc. out ?
 Its not a big deal.

Offline Smelly_Cat

thx bug tec

« Reply #25 on: April 24, 2005, 05:44:48 PM »
The starter is an autostick one and does not need the bushing.   when I took it apart and greased it.. it worked great for a day.  I am going to look at the gear mechenism better and see if it is binding before i get a new one.  I love Money. and hate to waste it if I can rig something.

When  you mentioned "vented", do you mean that the tank needs to be vented or the gas line or something.  I guess if the motor sucks gas for a while it will create negative pressure in the tank and stop gas flowing.

When i 1st  tried this roof tank with out cleaning out the carb the float cut off was letting gas pour in to the engine.  when i finally got it started,  it blew a half gallon of gas on my starter fluid man's leg from  the muffler.  I told Frank he ought to put that cigarette out fast.  thanks for the help and keep it coming  SC

I plan to fix the tank and all once i get this beast  running and stopping,  right now it runs rough and the brake pedal goes to the floor.

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #26 on: April 24, 2005, 08:19:44 PM »
Zen,  I think you need run over and check "Smelly Cat" out before he blows himselve and his starting fluid buddy up. I guess he hasn`t had a VW muffler blow past his head yet. :lol:  :lol:

Offline 71SuperBee

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #27 on: April 25, 2005, 12:43:25 AM »
Wow Smelly cat won't keep that engine long... I hope he don't blow frank out of town.. LOL..


Offline Zen

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Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #28 on: April 25, 2005, 07:28:26 PM »
Y'all are stealling my thunder . . . first Kyle drives his Vanagonagon to FL with the welds still hot . . . then Charlton starts running out of gas all the time . . . now Smelly Cat is trying to mix gas and sparks.  I'm start'n to sound kind'a normal!  Kind'a.   :lol:

Offline Smelly_Cat

Help with Slow Starter

« Reply #29 on: April 25, 2005, 07:33:00 PM »
I feel the love.  Yea, that was a close one.  Its a good thing that most of the flames come out the carburator when it starts.  And on the bright side the muffler is real clean now.   Latest starter update.   I opened the starter up and the middle rotor thing would not come out,  
so I yelled   "By the Powers of Mordar. Release thy rotor".. I gave it a super yank.  Ball bearings exploded out the starter and went bouncing around my drive way. The medical term  "excrement" about sums it up.    I found 9 of the little balls.  I'm going to look in the scrap bin at work for the 10th.  It was pretty crudy in the front of the starter so maybe this will be  "the  ticket".  I'm beginning to look at ways to pay for a new starter. Can I mow anybody's yard?  SC

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