
Topic: Won't Make it to BAP X :(  (Read 3391 times)

Offline Zen

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Won't Make it to BAP X :(

« on: April 17, 2008, 12:28:55 AM »
I'll be there . . . but my Dasher won't. :cry:

Yesterday I went to Kyle's to help him and Fred pick up the old dealership sign.  I made to Ringgold with no problems . . . but before I got out of Ringgold, it was getting hot.  I pulled over and let it cool off.  The radiator was empty but I coudn't find any sign of leak.  I poured some water in it, and took off . . . it spit and sputtered and smoked like crazy for about a quarter of a mile, then cleared up and ran fine.  About a mile from Kyle's place, it started getting hot again.  Stopped, poured water in it, went on to Kyle's . . . again, it spit and sputtered and smoked for about a quarter of mile then cleared up.

On the way home, I had to stop and add water at least 5 times.  I left Kyle's place with a full radiator and 2 gallons of water.  I got home with no water in the jugs or the raditor.

I'm hoping it's "just" a blown head gasket and I might be able to someday put it back on the road . . . or maybe I'll fill it full of stop leak and see what happens . . . or maybe I'll fill it with up with water and drive it Joe's Recyclling and end it's suffering.  Either way, I can't complain.  It's been the best $300 car I've ever bought!

Offline Bigdummy

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Won't Make it to BAP X :(

« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2008, 12:31:30 AM »
Sorry this has happened to ya man. :cry:  That sucks loads.....

Offline Ret.Bugtech

Won't Make it to BAP X :(

« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2008, 08:50:39 AM »
Zen , If you hurry you might still catch the " Pope" before he leaves the country and let him perform a Exorcism on the Dasher.  I think he used to drive a Fiat back in his younger days. If he could keep a Fiat on the road, a Dasher should be a piece of cake. :lol:  :lol:

Offline Bumble65

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Won't Make it to BAP X :(

« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2008, 08:16:51 PM »
The pope, the current one that is, used to drive a GTI. I think it has been sold a couple of times since he took the job.

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